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The Interview. 

The most dreaded part of the pre-games. 

I had spent the last hour getting ready. I had a similar green dress as my last interview. I wore my hair down. 

I hated the interview with a passion. I was horrible at it. I felt like I never knew what to say and always felt so nervous being on stage. I never thought I would have to do one for the games again. 

I knew how the interview would work. Caesar would ask a light hearted question, and I would give a funny witty response and capture the audience. He would then talk about how it would possibly be the last time we spoke and talk about the games. He would then ask me about a special message to tell my family. 

It's the same order every year. This time it would be no different. 

"Nervous?" I turned around at the voice. It was a soft but strong voice, belonging to Peeta. I had been watching  Mags interview while I waited for my turn. Zach had run off to talk to old friends. 

"I've never been a fan of the interview parts." I said, "especially not after they made me sit in a chair for three hours really living my trauma on live television." I realized what I said was probably not what he was expecting so I smiled at him and tried to change the subject. "Where's your fiancee?" 

"She's still getting ready." He responded. He walked up to my side as Mags left the stage and Finnick entered. "Snow's making her wear her wedding dress." I nodded as Finnick began his interview. 

"I'm sorry about the wedding, you were probably looking forward to it." When I first watched their games I thought it was an act like everyone else. Something they did for their own survival. But I was starting to wonder if it wasn't an act for him. 

He gave a nod. "Yeah, it would've been nice to have it." He said it very formally. As if he wasn't sure himself. He cleared his throat and looked from the monitor with Finnick to me. "How about you? Have you ever thought of marriage?" 

I tried to keep from laughing out loud. Haymitch clearly hadn't informed them of me and Finnick, and Peeta was doing a horrible job of snooping. Not that I minded, I found the conversation quite funny. 

"No," I said. "The Capital prefers its favorites to remain single." I smiled at Peeta. "What about you and Katniss? Any family plans?" His face lit up, as if he had just had a great idea. 

"Now Finnick, I understand you have a special message for a special someone." I heard Caesar say from the screen immediately taking my attention away from Peeta. 

The crowd murmured in excitement as he took the mic from Caesar and looked directly into the camera. 

"My love," He started, "I've been hopelessly in love with you since I was 16, you have my heart for all eternity. And if I die in that arena...my last thoughts will be of you. Of your kind heart and your warm embrace." 

I felt my throat go dry. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know Finnick would say something like that..but I found myself smiling.

Finnick stood up and waved goodbye before exiting the stage. 

"I envy you, Peeta. You can freely love Katniss without the thought of consequences. I've longed for that freedom for years." 

"Why not now?" Peeta said. "You have nothing to lose at this point." I looked at Peeta. 

"I always have something to lose." I said. 


At last it was finally my turn. Zach's interview had been short. He wasn't a well known victor so Capital didn't find much interest in him. 

"We now have one of our favorite victors!" Ceasar said I readied myself to walk on stage. "Someone we all know and love...Amaryllis Greenshire!" 

I smiled and waved as I walked out on stage. The crowd stood up and cheered loudly for me as I took my seat next to Caesar. 

"Amaryllis, it's so good to finally have you back on this stage." Caesar said smiling. I returned his smile despite the sinking pit in my stomach. 

"It's lovely to be back." I said. "I've missed your interviews!" Caesar chuckled, and smiled as the crowd applauded. 

"Now, Amaryllis." Caesar began. "The last time you sat in that chair was when you were 12 years old..but now you're a full adult, how do you think that will help you in the upcoming games?" 

"Well Caesar," I began. "Last time I was a small child with no clue how to use a weapon-" that was untrue, but the Capital didn't need to know that."-but I've had ten years of practice since then." 

The crowd clapped excitedly. 

"So what I'm hearing is that you're going to break your record.." Caesar said, he implied it as I was supposed to say yes, so I followed his lead. 

I smiled. "Now Caesar if I told you that it would ruin the thrill!" The crowd roared with applause and laughter. Just as it did the first time I had used that line. When the crowd calmed down Caesar began to end the interview. 

"Now Amaryllis, we've watched you grow up before our very eyes. But this might possibly be the last time we see you. Do you have a final message?" 

My plan was to say no and get as far away from the cameras as possible but now I felt as if I needed to say something. Something important. I nodded and took the mic from Caesar. 

"To my husband." I said. "you have no idea how happy you make me. And if I die in the arena..I want you to know that I love you, and that my last thoughts will be of your kisses and hugs. But most of all how you make me feel." 

Caesar smiled for the audience but gave me a look as I handed him his mic, one that told me he knew who I was talking about. 

The audience clapped and cheered as I made my way up to the podium with the other victors. The crowd was extra excited after my words because I had never spoken about anything romantic before so they were probably very intrigued at who it could be. I took a place next Finnick. 

We watched silently as the rest of the interviews took place. When it was Katniss's turn she came out in her wedding dress that turned into a mockingjay dress. If Snow didn't already know about the Rebellion sparking he knew now.

When it was Peeta's turn for the interview he went all out. He announced that Katniss was pregrant. The crowd went into chaos. I heard shouts of postponing the games, as well as different ideas to hold them off. I nearly laughed out loud as Peeta's plan to cancel the games seemed to be working. 

Caesar tried to get the crowd to calm down. But he couldn't as he watched as the Victors untied together. I grabbed Finnicks hand and looked over at Katniss next to me. The victors raised their hands together as one last mutual defiance. 

The show of unity caused an uproar.

I watched as they cut the broadcasting and the lights. 

We wouldn't let our deaths mean nothing. We would start the rebellion and change panem. Even if we weren't there to see it.    

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