No one ever wins

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This was the part of the games no one talked about. The part where they shut the cameras off. No one talks about the fear when the aircraft  descends next to you. No one talks about the fear you feel as you are extracted and stripped of your weapons, and immediately put into isolation. 

The change from survival to praise within seconds was too much to handle. 

I remember being flown back to the training center and walked to the remake room. I was confused and dazed after so much blood loss and adrenaline rushes. I remembered kicking and screaming as the stylists tried to give me a bath thinking they were trying to drown me. The fight ended with a needle in my arm sedating me. 

I had a blurred memory of the bath water turning from clear to brown to dark red with blood. I remembered screaming as the hot water burned my open wounds. Another needle sedated me enough for them to place me on a stretcher and wheel me away to who knows where. 

When I woke up, I had no more wounds. My skin was baby soft and my hair was freshly washed and combed. Part of me believed I had just awakened from a horrid nightmare. But as I sat up, I realized I was in white hospital looking room. 

My hand flew to my neck. The locket was gone. I began to panic looking around for it. tears threatened to appear. That was the last thing I had of Jase. 

"Looking for this?" My head whipped in the direction of the voice. My breathing calmed and I sighed with relief. Zach was holding the golden locket carefully in his hands. I slowly got up and walked over to him. I was in a hospital gown so my feet were cold as I hit the floor. He reached his hand out for me to grab the necklace, but instead I wrapped my arms around him. 

He was quite a bit taller than me so my arms wrapped around his torso. For once I looked like a little girl. He seemed a bit surprised at first considering I didn't exactly say goodbye to him but he accepted the hug anyway. 

When we pulled away he wiped away the tears that threatened to spill, before placing the necklace over my head. 

"I failed-" I said my voice breaking, my throat felt raw. "i couldn't save him." This time I couldn't contain the tears. "It's my fault! He should've lived! He deserved to win not me!" Zach stayed quiet as he held me while I cried. 

"I want to go home." I mumbled trying to pull myself together. Home, I thought. I wanted to go home deeply. I even missed the smell of the animals, even the gross feeling of chopped cow in my hands. 

"Just a bit longer, okay?" he said. "Just a bit longer until you can go home." I nodded while sniffling.  There was a rough knock at the door. Our time was over. Zach sighed and grabbed my hand leading me out of the room into the hallway. 

"Perfect!" Cal exclaimed, "our younger victor is right on time!" Time for what? My face must've explained what I was thinking because a familiar voice spoke. 

"The interview." Rain said sighing, "I remember my highlight video lasted 30 secs...memories." she said reminiscing. 

Highlight video? Would I have to re-watch the horrors of my games again. 

Rain grabbed a bottle of alcohol. 

I hadn't seen her with any since we arrived in the Capital. I guess looking good for the citizens was over. She could go back to drinking her trauma away, once again. Every time she took a sip it looked as if she was just a little bit happier. Just a little bit more numb to the pain. How I longed to feel the same way as her. Maybe one day this would all become memories as well. 

Cal handed me a dark green dress. It was similar to my other one but much darker and more mature, and darker looking. I took the dress from him and went to change into it. I was no longer the little girl in the short spring light dress. I was the youngest victor of the Hunger Games. 

While the stylists worked on my hair and eye makeup I overheard my mentors talking. 

"Snow is a very powerful man. As long as he lives, she will never have control over her life. She'll never find the peace urns for." Rain said in the most honest voice I had ever heard her speak. 

"No one's life is ever normal after the games." Zach said. 

"Hurry! We're gonna be late!" Cal said coming in and rushing everyone out. He pulled me up and guided me to the familiar stage. Backstage was Caesar. He flashed his trademark smile and went to hug me. I didn't reciprocate the hug. 

"I'll see you up there!" He said before the music for his entrance started and he walked on stage. 

"I know it's difficult now. But you have to maintain the image you portrayed in the beginning until the interview is over." Zach said as Caesar sat down. "The Capital expects it." 

"I don't think I can do that." I said feeling uneasy and wanting to suddenly disappear. 

"Just try," he said "please?" I found myself nodding. 

"Please welcome the victor of 66th Hunger Games...Amaryllis GreenShire!" 

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