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Katniss stood up running. The rest of us stood up in alarm and started to chase her down. Finnick was the fastest so he caught up with her quickly with me trailing behind him. 

"You okay?" I heard Finnick ask Katniss as I ran up behind him. Katniss looked at the dead bird at her feet. 

"What is it?" I ask worried. Just then there was another scream. This one I recognized. It belonged to Annie Cresta. Finnick had been taking care of her since she was unfit to live on her own because she had gone crazy due to the trauma in her games. Her and Finnick had become very close friends. 

"Annie!" He shouted terrified. 

"Finnick!" Katniss said stopping him from following the screams. "It's just a jabberjay it's not real." 

"How do you think they got that sound. Jabberjays copy." He said. The swarm of birds filled the jungle with screams. Katniss and Finnick cover their ears. 

"Get back to the beach!" I shout over the screams. We ran back the way we came until we see Johanna, Zach, Peeta and Beetee at the tree line. 

Katniss ran straight towards them hysterically screaming. She ran straight into the invisible barrier and sank to her knees covering her ears. 

Finnick closes his eyes tightly and sinks to his knees. I pulled my ax out and began to swing at the birds trying to get them away from him but it was futile. I drop my weapons to the ground and cover Finnicks ears with my own hands. 

He was shaking and rocking back and forth. 

"It's not real!" I kept repeating to him over and over again. I looked at the barrier that kept us from leaving. Peeta was trying to calm Katniss down from the other side while Johanna hit the wall with her ax multiple times. 

Finnick and Katniss were being tortured from the screams of their loved ones. I assumed I wasn't because Snow had killed them all or sent them into the arena with me. That's what I thought until I heard the screams of someone I knew. 

The last person I still cared about. My Dad. 

The Jabberjays swarmed around me and his screams filled my ears. My hands flew to my ears to cover them. I closed my eyes and felt tears stream down my face. Snow couldn't have gotten him right? 

Just as I thought it couldn't get worse I heard the screams of my brother. The same screams I heard as Marvelous slit his throat. 

I must've started screaming because I felt my throat go raw. Eventually the screams of my Jase and my Father turned into the screams of my mother, Rain and the tributes I had killed in my first games. 

The screams of Holly, Dean, Martin, Pearl, Caspian, Willow, Flora hurt the worst. I hadn't heard them scream before but the way their voices cried out with desperation and pain, brought me back to when I was twelve. 

I screamed and cried hysterically, beating my head to the ground trying to make it stop. 


As soon as the hour was up the barrier shut off. Zach and Peeta rushed forward to help their partners. Zach grabbed my shoulders making me jump.

"Zach." I cried weakly into his shoulder. "I thought that he had killed them all." I cried. "I thought he killed everyone I loved or sent them in the arena with me, but I was wrong." 

"What happened? Amaryllis, what happened?" He asked, my eyes were in and out of focus and my mind didn't feel entirely there, my body still shaking from the torture. 

"There were Jabberjays.." I say slowly, "and they had copied the screams of the people you love.." Zach's eyes softened. "It started with my Dad, then Jase and my Mom, then Rain," I took a shaky breath and began to ramble on.  "then Holly, then Dean, then Martin, then Pearl, then Caspian, then Willow, then Flora.."

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