Chapter 23 - Flashback

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September 15, 2016

Today Michael was getting home from tour. I was on spring break from college, and I was home, getting ready to welcome him home after a while.

We've been married for about six months now. We got married about a month before he left for tour in April, and we went on our honeymoon before he had to leave.

I had baked a cake to surprise him. I have something to tell him. I'm pregnant! But, I'm pregnant with twins. It's been so hard not to call him and tell him. I just wanted to surprise him when he got home.

When Michael came home for a break around the beginning of July, we went out to eat one night, July 11th, then came home and had sex.. I'm eleven weeks pregnant with twins, and my stomach is really starting to show (picture attached). I don't know how I'll hide it from him until I tell him, but I'll try.

When I found out, it was a Thursday morning after I woke up in my dorm.



Jasmine (my roommate) and I had fallen asleep at about midnight after talking for a while. I had woken up at three in the morning and threw up. Jasmine heard me and came rushing into the bathroom.

"Mia!! Are you alright??" She exclaimed, rushing into the bathroom and holding my hair back for me. We had become such good friends over the past year or so, and she was worried about me.

I finished puking for a while, and I told her excitedly, "well... My period is a few days late..."

"Oh my god!!" She was excited too. Michael and I had tried for a little while, but it was so hard to try while he was on tour.

"I might be pregnant! What should I do, Jasmine?"

"Get a test, duh!"

"Now? It's three in the morning!"

"That's why there are stores open twenty-four hours!"

"Okay.. I'll be back soon," I grabbed my wallet and keys before leaving.

I drove off to the nearest store that was open twenty-four hours. I grabbed three tests, paid for them and left.

When I got back to my dorm, I took all three then waited. Of course, when I looked at them, I saw that they were all positive, and it was clear that it was positive. I grabbed my phone, wanting to call Michael, but I stopped myself. I didn't want to bother him.. I also wanted to surprise him.

"Jasmine!! I'm pregnant!!" I told her excitedly.

"Really!? That's great! Are you going to call Michael?"

"No.. He's on tour right now. He might even be performing right now. I don't know. I want to surprise him when he gets home, too."

"Good idea! How do you think you're going to surprise him?"

"I don't know.."

"Oh!" She loved surprises, so she had an idea, "how about you bake a cake and bake a copy of the ultrasound into the cake. Before he comes home, cut him the piece that has the picture in it, and cut a piece for yourself. Tell him to chew carefully, though. You don't want him to not notice it."

"Should I copy the ultrasound onto my computer then make the picture smaller, and maybe roll the picture up and put it in the cake?"

"Yes, that's good thinking, Mia. He's going to be so surprised.." She had paused, "when is he coming home?"


"Do you think you can wait that long?"

"I hope.."

~Flashback Over~

That is exactly what I did. Now I'm just waiting for him to come home.

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