Battle on the Train

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Persephone.

Chapter Four: Battle on the Train

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I was looking out the window while Ed was laying on my lap. Al and Percy were talking about a book series that they were currently reading about.

There was a commission was happening. "What's happening?" I asked my sister. "The train is being hijacked." Percy said to me. I groaned at this, "Where is this world coming to." I heard footsteps coming towards us and I looked over to see a guy with a gun.

"... How can this brat sleep through all of this?" muttered the man with a shotgun as he leaned onto one of the train seats.

It really is pretty amazing that Edward could sleep in a situation like this. At first, the four of you were riding on the train peacefully, searching East City for clues about the Philosopher's Stone, but still not finding anything that would work. Edward then decided to take a nap, and who could blame him? Anyone would be tired after pulling an all-nighter, researching ancients texts for the Philosopher's Stone in New Optain. Of course, you were there helping him, but he insisted that you should get some rest. Knowing that it would be pointless to argue with him, you bade him a goodnight. Besides, you really did need it.

The passengers' were stiff as billboards, glancing nervously now and then at the two hijackers.  Some were even sweating beads of sweat, face pale. I sighed, wishing to be out of this predicament.

"Hey!" the man poked Edward's cheek using the tip of his shotgun none too gently. "Wake up!" But Edward continued on with his nap, snoring away. "Why you..." "Please sir," The man turned his head towards you as you piped up, an irritated look on his face. "Let him sleep. I think it'd benefit everyone if you didn't wake him up." I said with a indifferent attitude with my voice. Thehijacker just snorted and turned his attention back to Edward, proceeding to try and awaken him. He just completely ignored you! I sighed at this.

"Act more like a hostage...YOU LITTLE RUNT!" he shouted. I rolled my eyes, I tried to warn him. Edward snapped his eyes open and with a stomp, Edward got to his feet, fully awake. His golden eyes glowed as a dark, menacing aura surrounded him. And by the look of his face, he was pissed. Probably by the man's rudeness and having his nap interrupted. "Huh? What?" the hijacker questioned, totally unaware of Edward's deadly anger. "You got a problem orsomething!? Huh!?" He slid his gun in front of Edward's face, threatening to shoot.

Edward just claps his hands, the gun's point getting mushed in between them. And using his alchemy, he transmuted the gun's point into a horn, twisting it for good measure. The hijacker jerked his now distorted gun back, staring at it with wide eyes.

"Wh-what the hell is this!!?" the hijacker exclaimed.

Edward kicked the man in the face using, and you winced when you heard a small 'oof', meaning that his head was kicked to the side. The hijacker fell to the ground, unconscious. Alphonse and Percy facepalmed at Ed for being reckless.

"I did try to warn him," I sighed. "But nooo, he just had to be rude and wake him up. Well... He did deserve it." "That was dumb, kid," the other hijacker said, pointing his pistol at Edward. "We were ordered to kill all resisters. I don't want to shoot a runt like you, but..." he said as he started to pull the trigger. "Okay, okay. The two of you should just calm down," Alphonse intervenes, raising the gun, so it would be away from his brother's face.

"What?!" the hijacker shouted at Alphonse. "You want to fight us-" Before he could finish his sentence, Edward knees the guy in the face. "YOU CALL ME A RUNT?!" Edward screamed as he started to pound the man into pulp. "A DWARF?! A 'LITTLE PERSON!?" "I DIDN'T SAY ALL THAT STUFF!" "Big brother! Big brother! If you don't stop, he's going to die!" Alphonse said calmly, his hand out as he tried to ease Edward. Edward paused, holding the bruised and slightly bloody hijacker by the collar. He sleepily looks around,looking back and forth between you, Percy and Alphonse, golden eyes narrowed in irritation. "So, um..." he pointed at the man in his grasp. "Who are these guys?"

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