Death of the Undying

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except Persephone.

~No One's POV~

Riza's headset was shown to be abandoned on the ground as shots rang out throughout the scene.

"Elizabeth! Hey!" Mustang, eyes narrowed, appeared on the screen. "What's going on?" Hughes bloody hand appeared on screen before Mustang was shown again with anger in his eyes. He slammed his phone back down on the hook.

Winry, Percy and Al appeared on the screen. "So, this piece of info is supposed to be confidential, but whatever." Ling said as he was shown to be on the bed. "Barry told me the Colonel's got a plan to smoke out some military guys he's been after. The ones from the Fifth something-or-rather." Ling finished.

Al got a close-up as he said. "The Fifth Laboratory."

Winry and Percy was shown. "Al..."

Al stood up. "I've got to find them."

As the girls stood up too, Al continued, "This could lead us straight to the person who killed Lieutenant Hughes."

Ling gasped. "Hey!" He threw a hand out towards Al. "Not so fast! Tell me your secret first."

Al looked at him. "I'll tell you when I get back, okay?"

Ling laughed painfully. "Oh, come on, that's so unfair..." He cried.

Al looked at Percy and Winry. "We'll be back soon."

Percy looked at him with worry. "Okay. Just be careful."

Al nodded. "I will. I promise."

-Death of the Undying-

Active, dangerous music entered the scene as a ground with blood covering it was shown. More blood dripped onto the ground. Riza was shown to be held up by the neck by Gluttony, holding a gun in his face. She tried to fire, but the gun was empty.

Gluttony's face was shown to be full of bullet holes, blood pouring all over his evil grinning face. "Are you all done now?" He asked.

Riza's arm fell to her side, gun clanging to the ground.

"Then it's time to eat you." Gluttony said.

Gluttony's mouth peeled open, revealing his tattoo on his tongue to Riza.

One of Riza's eyes was shown to be staring at the tattoo. Her eye widened for a moment before she squeezed it shut.

Loud barking filled the scene as a running dog was shown. It distracted Gluttony for a moment and Black Hayate took that moment to bite down on his shoulder hard enough to draw blood.

He pulled at the skin with his teeth and paws, angering Gluttony who twisted around and tried to throw the dog off of him. Gluttony threw Riza away from him. Because of his throw, she turned upside down in the air and slammed into a wall.

Riza fell to the ground as Gluttony reached around to grab Black Hayate. "Stop it." He said as Riza pushed herself up to her knees. "That tickles."

Fuery appeared on the screen. "Catch!" He shouted as he threw a gun.

Riza caught it and spun it in her hand until she was holding it properly. With Fuery by her side, they started firing round after round into Gluttony. From the force of the blasts, he stumbled backwards. His big body stopped in front of a window. The only reason he didn't fall out was because his big body hit the walls around the window, keeping him inside the tower.

Riza pulled her trigger a few time, but nothing came out. Fuery gritted his teeth as a hole in Gluttony was zoomed in on to show the injury was healing.

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