Backs in the Distance

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except Persephone.

No One's POV

Bradley suddenly ran at one of the ladders leading up to the pipe that Lan Fan was on. Lan Fan stared down at Bradley, seeing his one eye glowing red before her mask was broken and fell to pieces as she screamed.

"No! Lan Fan!" Ling screamed.

Lan Fan fell to the ground on a nearby roof, blood spilling all around in the air from a cut on her arm. When she hit the roof, she bounced across it, kunai tumbling alongside her.

Bradley's sword was shown to be broken into two. "Clever." He said as he lifted his sword up. "You took a swipe at me with your kunai."

"Can I eat her now?" Gluttony asked.

"Just make it quick." Bradley said.

Gluttony jumped off the roof he was on and over Bradley to get to the roof that Lan Fan was lying on. His face was shown before a streak of white light passed through his face. The scene pulled out to show Ling behind Gluttony with his sword in the air as the top half of Gluttony's head and his hands were shown to be chopped off.

Dramatic music began as Ling was shown with his eyes open and a frown in place as blood flew in the air in front of him. He landed in a crouch by Lan Fan as Gluttony's body hit the roof next.

"Lan Fan! Please stay with me!" Ling said.

Lan Fan's face was shown to be half covered by her hair as she grimaced in pain. Ling picked her up and put her over her shoulder as Bradley appeared on the roof, pointing a sword at him.

"If you thought you could escape from me that easily then I'm afraid you'll find yourself surely mistaken." Bradley charged at Ling.

Ling ran across the roof, defending a blow from Bradley with his own sword. Ling moved behind Bradley on his left side. As Bradley turned around, Ling blocked another blow as he moved behind Bradley on his left side again.

Bradley turned to look at Ling. "Ho. I see you're no stranger to combat." He said as they continued to move and their blades struck against each other again.

As Ling jumped into Bradley's blind side once more, he was forced to jump into the air to avoid Bradley's sword. He dodged under the sword when he landed.

Bradley was shown as he thought, 'All this jumping around, he's trying to stay in my blind spot.'

Bradley stopped and called, "Gluttony!"

Gluttony appeared from behind Bradley and swung his hands into Ling's chest, sending the boy flying back off the roof and through a window on another building.

Glass shattered around as Ling was shown to be crouching in the room with dust all around him with him grimacing in pain. He stood up painfully and took a step back. A foot was shown to be stepping on a piece of metal and glass. Ling looked up, gasping, as Bradley was shown to be in the room with Gluttony looking in through the broken window.

"Excellent. We should have some privacy in here. If you don't mind, I have some questions." Bradley said.

Ling finally looked at Bradley with narrowed eyes.

"First, I liked to know who you people are. And how you found out what's in Gluttony?" Bradley asked as he was shown.

"You don't give up, do you?" Bradley asked as Ling looked back at him. "You might stand a fair chance of getting away if you only abandon the injured girl because she's just excess baggage at this point."

"Excess baggage?" Ling asked before the stars on Bradley's uniform were shown. "I can see all those stars on your uniform. You're the ruler here. Fuhrer King Bradley, unless I'm mistaken."

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