Cold Flame

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except Persephone.

{*** this mean a smut is comin.}

No One's POV

A light on the ceiling was shown before half of Douglas' face was shown. Followed by his face, half of Maria's face appeared on the screen. Henry picked up a bag and turned it upside down. A smashed-up bullet came out of it.

"This is the bullet that killed Brigadier General Hughes. It's a .45 calibre. The killer used only this one bullet." Douglas told her.

"I'd say it was a good shot, but it was at point-blank range." Maria's arm was zoomed in on to show her prison bracelets.

"Close enough that even a poor shot could have done it." Douglas said.

"Now tell me. What is the calibre of the gun that you carry?"

"It's a .45, sir." Maria replied.

Douglas picked up a paper and showed it to Maria. "Here we have a copy of your requisition form for addition ammunition. Does this look correct?"

Maria nodded.

"It says here you fired exactly one shot. What was that round used for?" Henry asked.

"It lists the reason right there on the form. I fired my weapon in defence of Edward Elric and Aliyah Daniels while in the Fifth Laboratory." Maria said. There was a flash before Maria and Denny appeared on the screen, pointing their guns at Barry, who was staring at his hand. Douglas was tapping the bullet. "But the Fifth Laboratory is no longer operational. It remains unmanned."

"It was definitely not unmanned." Maria said.

"Sure. According to your account." Douglas replied.

"Shall I send someone to search for this bullet you say you fired?" Douglas asked.

"There was an unexplained explosion at the site. The Fifth Laboratory is now a pile of rubble." Maria replied.

"So, the place you claimed to have used your gun was unmanned, and if we looked for the bullet, all we would be able to find was a pile of rubble. Is that what you are saying?" Douglas asked.

"But Lieutenant, we have eyewitness testimony. You were spotted leaving the scene on the day of the murder at the same time as the shooting." Douglas said.

"That's impossible!" Maria cried.

"Calm down, Lieutenant." Douglas said. "Fine then. What were you doing at that time?"

"I had the day off. I was at my parents' house visiting." Maria replied.

"Please, check with them. They'll tell you."

"All you can offer us is your family's testimony. That is not admissible as an alibi!" Douglas said.

Armstrong stood outside the building, facing two saluting soldiers.

"Second Lieutenant Ross is being questioned." One of the soldiers said.

"No one is permitted inside to see her."

"I see." Armstrong said. He turned around to leave.

Brosh ran over to Armstrong as he finished walking down the stairs.

"Major Armstrong!"

"Sergeant Brosh." Armstrong said.

Brosh saluted him. "I'm glad to see you here, Major."

"Mm-hmm. Is this about Second Lieutenant Ross?" Armstrong asked.

"Yes, that's right, sir." Brosh said as Armstrong continued down the path with Brosh following him. "Major, I can collaborate her story. Lieutenant Ross and I both fired a round from our weapons at the Fifth Laboratory to defend the Elric brothers and Daniels Sisters."

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