Chapter 2: Worried

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(Natalie's POV)

Finally I can eat lunch. I have been starving. I find Riley, since we don't have any classes together, and sit next to her. "You know we should  ask to switch classes so we have some together" she says "yeah but I think the time away is good for us, time apart brings you closer in heart."

Thomas slams his tray on the table. "Can you believe some people?" Riley and I look at each other "Are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah what happened" I add.

(Thomas Pov)

I walk out of my 5th classroom walking to the cafeteria to get my lunch. I then see Riley and Natalie sitting together at a table, I continue walking to get my lunch when John stopped me. "Hey Thomas, long time no see huh?!" I look at him and frown "hey John..." I try to walk past when he stopped me again and said he wanted to start over and be friends, but I completely ignored him and pushed pass and grabbed my lunch. I then started walking over to Natalie and Riley and slammed my tray on the table. "Can you believe some people?" Which make Riley and Natalie question me.

(3rd Person Pov)

Thomas then sat down and said "literally John stopped me in the middle of the hall," Riley looked at Thomas worried. "Did something happen?" Thomas looked at Riley, "Don't worry about this, he just asked if we could start over and be friends, but I just ignored him." Riley looked at Ian and then looked down and picked at her food with her fork not eating anything.

Then all three of them hear a voice that they wished they would never have to hear ever again... Chrissy.

(Rileys Pov)

I look up and see Chrissy walking up to us, and saying "Hey bestie." To me, I looked at her and sighed "Hey..." Thomas and Natalie looked at me and realized that I didn't really like being around Chrissy, which they didn't either so.

Chrissy then sits next to me and opened up her lunch box and tried to give me a cookie, which I refused. Then she gave one to Thomas, which he gladly took and Natalie took one as well. Then all our friends sat at our table, the seating arrangement for this was Colin, Ian, Natalie, Me, Able, Chrissy, Alden, Thomas, and Rosie. We were eating lunch when Alden made an announcement to the group. "I need to tell you guys something." All of us looked at him and he smirked. "I'm having a party, if you guys would like to come, you may invite who ever."

Me and Natalie looked at eachother and we both said at the same time "This is our chance!" Then Thomas pops in and says "for what?" I look at him then back at Natalie and smirk. Natalie then blushes slightly and looks away. "Um...N-Nothing Thomas."

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