Chapter 12: Parade

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Like 3 ish weeks later

(Natalie's pov)
The freshman float is almost done being decorated, which is good because we need to be lined up for the parade in 20 minutes. The theme is back to the future, so of course, we have a replica of the TARDIS on board.

It's really hot outside. It is hotter than Timothee Chalemet. It is so hot even my sweat is sweating, and my dumb ass decided to wear a long sleeve shirt.

It takes forever to get to the start, and there's a bunch of cute little kids waiting for candy. We don't have enough so we have to wait till we reach the elementary school. I see one of the teachers talking to a student, and I'm not saying anything, but he's totally giving off MGK, Micheal Jackson vibes if you catch my drift.

Thomas sits down next to me.

(Riley's pov)

I see Natalie and Thomas sitting together on the float. They have been inseparable since he asked her to homecoming. It's lowkey kinda gross.

(Natalie's pov)

I notice Riley is walking with Ian. Ever since they bumped uglies, they have been glued at the hip. It's absolutely disgusting.

(Thomas's pov)

Natalie and Riley are having a staredown. I don't know what it's about, but it's terrifying. However, it's not as terrifying as going to Homecoming with Natalie. I've been in love with her for like, ever.

(Ian's pov)

Riley and Natalie are staring at each other. It's like they are having a conversation. I think that's kind of cute, how she can communicate with Natalie almost telepathically. I wish I could telepathically tell someone to get me some fries.

(Natalie's pov)

We get to the elementary school, and all the Littles are sitting on the curb, patiently waiting for candy to be thrown their way. They are just adorable. I love children. They are so kind and cute. I hope one day I can raise a child as sweet as these ones. Children are so stubborn sometimes.

We leave the elementary students behind as the parade comes to an end. Now we can go home. Tonight is the football game. I don't normally go, but I might this time.

Unfortunately, the dance is right after the game, so we don't get to dress up. All throughout elementary and middle school, I have dreamed of being asked to the homecoming dance and getting a mum. There goes that dream.
Authors note:
This is going somewhere, I promise. There is a method to this madness just as there is a reason for my sadness. Ignoring the beautiful poetry I just wrote, this story had gone on a way different path than we had planned. Wow. Just wow. I wanted one thing, but the characters told me "no this is my destiny. You don't get a say"

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