Chapter 4: Realization

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(Natalie's Pov)

Riley walks out of the room and Ian just stands there in shock. "I promise whatever you're thinking it isn't like that" I say stumbling over to Thomas. I trip over my own feet and fall into his arms. "You're really drunk. Let's get you some water." He says.

I can't stop looking at him. He's eyes are gorgeous. His face is filled with worry, and it's all for me! He leaves and comes back with like 30 water bottles. "You didn't need to do this," I say. "Yes, I did, I care about you. I wasn't about to let you stay drunk without any water." "He cares about me" I giggle aloud. Thomas laughs, "Yes he does."

(Rileys Pov)

I finally get home, and take off my shoes when the living room light turns on and it's my mom. "Miss what are you doing up so late!" I look at her a chuckle, "Hah mom I was just hanging out with some friends." My mom looked at me fiercely and said "Your Drunk!" And she walks up to me and looks at my neck, "You Have Hickeys!" I then look at her and say "I do Not mom~." I then walk to my room and shut my door behind me and fall asleep with my clothes on.

(Natalie's Pov)

After helping me to drink some water Thomas looks at me and asks, "Why would you get so drunk?" "I don't know," I say, "I just saw you talking to John. And I know you pushed him away but I guess I still got jealous. I thought maybe if I got drunk I could forget about it?" This gets me a laugh. "You didn't have to make out with Riley though."

"I just- I just wanted to feel loved." I tell him. "You are loved. I know I call you a loser, but your my loser." I looked at him suprised.

(Rileys Pov)

It's now morning and I wake up to a terible headache and sit up on my bed, realizing that I'm still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I check fhs time and it's 7:46 a.m. 'Oh shit I have school in 30 minutes!' I think to myself. I then get up and almost fall over, 'go slow Riley go slow' I think. I pick an outfit that looks good on me, and I then walk out and shut my door behind me and goes into the bathroom, and looks into the mirror.

"What the fuck is this," I yell. Then my brother walks into the bathroom and says, "that's a bruise." I look at him and he says "wow you look really ugly dismorning." I look at him with disgust, "I mean look at you." I then tell him to get out, and I finish getting ready, I then check my phone for messages, and see 6 missed calls from •Mother•, which wasn't good. I then leave the house and walk to school.

(Natalie's Pov)

I wake up at 6 as usual, only to find that there is vomit in my hair and bags under my eyes. I feel like shit. I look like shit. I remember part of last night, which is surprising because I got VERY drunk. I take a shower and do my makeup, doing my best to cover any sign that I was drunk last night. I grab my phone and text Thomas.

Hey. Could you not tell anyone about what you saw last night? It didn't mean anything I swear.

Ofc. Which part didn't mean anything? The makeing out with Riley or the 'I like you'?

Oh GOD. I didn't. 🤦‍♀️

You did.

I get a ride to school from my mom this time.

(3rd Person Pov)

Natalie then gets to school and walks inside. She sees The group exept Thomas and Riley sitting at the table. "Hey guys, what are you guys doing?" Natalie questions. "The principal wants our group to have a talk about last night..." Alden says looking down at his phone. Natalie then sits and sees that Riley finally showed up and sat down at the table our group was sitting at, with eye bags and really tired and she was wearing a Hoodie for some reason, which she never did.

Then after Riley sits down Thomas walks inside and sits down next to Colin and begins having a convo with him. Finally after classes started, the group was still sitting at the table waiting for the principal to show up. Then for a while the principal shows up for the talk.

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