Chapter 5: Im Sorry

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(3rd Person Pov)

The principal then walks up to the group, "please all face me. And pay attention." They all look at him and listen, "you guys look very tired, and sick." He says worried, "the important question is did anything happen last night sexual related or like anything bad." Riley looked up slightly and said, "may I use the restroom real quick." He looked at Riley and excused her to go.

(Rileys Pov)

I walked away from the conversation and went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. 'I look so terrible...' I think to myself. But then someone walks in the bathroom and it's Natalie. "Hey, are you good?" She asks me. I look at her and cover my hands on my face. "No I'm not ok...I was so stupid last night, and I didn't know what I was doing, I-I just couldn't control myself--." I start to cry while say, but Natale interrupted me, "Riley you were drunk last night and so was I, and we just didn't know what was happening, at least we didn't have sex." She said with relief, "b-but what if we did, that would be a huge regret." I say back to her, "Hey, at least you didn't do anything with Alden~." She jokes. I push her face away, " and Alden aren't like that." I say with disgust, and she says, "I know~."

Me and Natalie were sitting on the floor of the bathroom, talking, but we stopped talking for some reason until Natalie said something. "You honestly look like shit today," she chuckled, I then sighed and said, "I know, I know, but the day is almost over right?" I question. " we just got to school, you sure your alright?" She laughs at me while I sigh again. "No I'm not honestly, I'm just tired and sick everywhere in my body." "Because your sober, it will be gone soon...but we got to go now, we missed the whole lecture." We then walk put of the bathroom together and see that the principal was gone.

(Natalie's Pov)

I had to make sure Riley was ok, even if we....did that last night, but she was my bestfriend since like kindergarten, and I couldn't let anything happen bad to our friendship. "Hey guys um...where the principal?" Riley then questions the group while I look at everyone. Alden then stands up and says, "we got suspended for a whole week because of this." He starts to pack up his backpack when Ian completely went all put "Alden this is your fault, he points at his face." Alden just stands there with guilt on his face, "y-you made us like this, you hurt my friends, they did things they regret." Thomas looked down at the floor and sighed "a lot of people should've kept secerets in there head, but I understand they could." He then looked at me, and I blushed a little and looked away from his face.

(3rd Person Pov)

"Look, you guys didn't have to come to the party alright." Alden then butted in, but Riley quickly said "it's your fault that you had alcohol and drugs there." "Well that's what you have at a party huh?!" Alden then raised his voice at Riley while she looked down and started fidgeting with her hands. When Able popped in, and pushed Alden away from Riley  "just drop it Alden, it's over now." But then with no reaction Alden punched Able in the face, which made them go all out. Then before things ended up to bad, Rosie said "Guys, is this how our friendship is going to end?!" She yelled at the boys while Alden got up from Able. "Then it most likely should." Alden says and grabs his bag and walks out of the school.

(Rileys Pov)

"Here, let me help you--" I try to say, but Able just pushes me off "Riley I'm fine, I can do it myself." Able then stands up in front of me while I hug him from behind, but he just pushes me off again. "Riley, stop," 'Able has never told me to get off before' I thought to myself while I looked down to the floor. "Well then, I guess this is goodbye." Thomas said while I looked up with a surprised expression on my face. "W-wait, are we seriously splitting up," Rosie then says while Thomas and Colin walk out of the school. Rosie runs up to me and starts crying in ny arms, "well I guess I better go too..." I say quickly which makes Rosie's head pop up, "wait, you leaving to?" She says as I let her go and start to walk out of the school when Able ran up to me and hugged me and said "look I'm sorry that I pushed you off of me, I just was upset." I then gave him a hug back and just walked out of the school building.

'Maybe This Is Goodbye' I thought while walking out of the building.

Authors Note: I had to put some drama in there, which I think it worked out but I'm not sure. We'll find out what happens next.

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