Chapter 15: The Nightmare

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(Ian's Pov)
I wake up in the middle of the night, it's like 12:23 a.m. I remember that my parents are on a date and will be staying in a hotel. I go into the kitchen to get some water when I see Riley sleeping, I smile at her sleeping face whenever she starts talking in her sleep.

I put my cup down on the counter and rush over to her. "Hey hey its okay..." I gently shake her and to wake her up. Her eyes widen in fear and she grips onto me. "Y-You were gone, everyone was gone!" She cried out. "It's okay now..." I say and hug her. She cries, hearing her cry breaks my heart. "I'm right here, please stop crying..." I say trying to calm her down.

She starts to calm down a little bit, "Breathe in and out..." I say, she breathes in and out trying to control her breathing. I brush her hair out her face and gently kiss her on the forehead. I lay down on the bed couch type thing with her and wait till she falls back asleep, which she does but then I fall asleep with her as well.

(Rileys Pov)
I wake up with a really bad headache, I then feel something warm wrapped around me and see Ian hugging me. I blush and try not to move so I don't wake him. "Morning cutie~" He says. I blush even more "I-I thought you were sleeping..." I say as I cover my face. He shakes his head and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Did you sleep well?" Ian asks me. "N-No not really...thank you for helping me calm down." I say. "Your welcome, I just really care about you." I smile and then Ian gets up and says "I'm gonna get up so that way my brother doesn't think we did something." He scratches the back of his neck. I giggle and get up as well and head to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After getting ready I head out of the bathroom to go make the med type couch thing so that way it's an actual couch today. I get it made and sit on it and check my phone. I get a text message from my dad.

What's been happening with you and your mom?

Because I didn't awnser her and got suspended she's been a total bitch lately so I haven't been wanting to be home, she also told me to not come home any ways so.

Don't call her a bitch, even if she is one, but still.

Fine, but I gtg ttyl love you bye

Love you too

I turn off my phone and look away trying not to cry. Ian comes out of his room and comes to sit next to me. "You okay?" He asks, I nod and he wraps his arm around my shoulder so I lean into him more. "Sorry if it was weird that I slept with you last night...I was just worried about you" He says, "it's okay...I don't mind if you sleep with me~" I say with and smirk "don't tempt me~" Ian says back and he leans in to kiss me and we kiss.

Then his brother comes running into the living room making us split up cause that's weird if his brother watches us literally kiss.

Authors Note: Nightmares actually true...happened in real life.

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