Chapter 17: some depression this way comes

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(Thomas pov)
I don't know what to say so I just leave. There is this pain in my throat that I can't explain. My chest is frozen, and it hurts to breathe. Is this what heartbreak feels like?

*Tell me that you love me*

*lying to my face*

A/n: Sorry, wrong story.... song.... thing...

(Natalie's pov)
I feel guilty. I didn't want to hurt Thomas.  He's such a good person. He didn't deserve that.

I keep looking at the picture of Riley and Ian. They are so perfect for each other.

Ugh. I hate this.

I walk home slowly. I hear a distant car horn and crash.

*shit. Fuck. Shit. No. Shit.*

I run towards the sound. When I finally get there I see a car warped around a streetlight.

I pull out my phone and dial 911.

"911 what's you-

"There's a car here. There was a crash. Idk what happened. They must've hit a patch of ice or something I just I dont know"

"Okay dont worry, we'll be right there"

I hung up and dropped my phone. I ran to the car to see if the driver is okay.

Its... it's Thomas.

(Paramedics Pov)

We get on scene, and there's a girl next  to the car. She's trying to open the door. We go to get her to move so I can look at the driver.

"Please he's in there you have to help" the girl cries

I pull her out of the way. Oh God, he's just a kid.

"Oh My god" she whispers "this is all my fault"

"Ma'am this isn't your fault, we're you injured?"

"No I wasn't in the car, I- oh god is he gonna be okay?" The lady is full on sobbing now.

We get the kid out of the car. The girl runs to the gurney. She grabs her friends hand.

"I'm so sorry" she whispers.

"We need to get him to the hospital"

"Can I come with?" She asks

It breaks my heart to see her like this. "We normally don't let non-family members go-"

"I'm family. I am." She interrupts

I let her come with.

(Rileys Pov)
I'm sitting on the couch with Ian watching a movie as I pull out my phone and text Natalie to see what she's up to.

A couple minutes later she still hasn't responded, 'usually she responds really quick' I think to myself. I put my phone down and sigh. "You okay?" Ian says pausing the movie. "I think I'm okay..." I say. Ian then pulls me onto his lap. Good thing his parents or brother isn't home. "You know you can talk to me right?" He says. I nodded but then my phone goes off. I pick it up and realize it's from Natalie!?! "Hey Natalie." I say.

Riley, I need you guys to come to the hospital...

Natalie what's going on...

It's Thomas...

My eyes widen, I get off of Ian and pull him up and walk over to the door and slip on my shoes. "Riley what's going on?" Ian says confused.

Natalie we are on our way


I hang up the phone and finish putting my shoes on. "Riley!" Ian says putting his hands on my shoulders. I'm breathing heavily. "It's Thomas...he is in the hospital..." Ian's eyes widen and he hurrys and puts his shoes on and we began to run to the hospital which is only a couple of blocks.

*20 minutes later*

Me and Ian finally get to the hospital and I get to the front desk. "W-We are here for Thomas Hay..." I ask. "Oh yes room 121!" The nurse says and I grab Ian's hand and we walk to the room. I see Natalie sitting outside the room.

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