Chapter 9: CAUGHT!

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(Natalie's Pov)
I started to worry about Riley, so I called her... No answer... I called her again... No answer, I hoped nothing happened to her, or Ian's parents got home!

I started to freak out, so I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my bike and started to ride it to Ian's house.

Finally, I get to Ian, I see someone looking through Ian's window. "Hello?" I say, and they turn on their phone light, and it's Colin!

(Colin's Pov)
Natalie's at Ian's house, I walk up to her. "What are you doing here?" I say, "No, what are you doing here?" Me and her look at each other for a second, and I turn away and look into the window. Natalie came up behind me and looked through the window, and I saw her eyes widen.

I pulled out my phone and started to record them, then Natalie grabbed my phone, "No, thats mean Colin!" She snaps my phone in half, "It's called child pornography!" She says when we here silence in Ian's bedroom then we see the lights turn off. "Whats going on now?" I say as the front door opens from Ian's house and we see Ian walking outside wearing a hoodie and shorts.

"What are you guys doing here?" Ian says, "It was Colin's idea" Natalie says, "N-No!" I say as I just got throwed under the bus by Natalie."

(Natalie's Pov)
Hah, I just threw Colin under the bus. Which was a good idea cause he really doesn't need to do that. "Can you guys just leave?" Ian says about to go inside, which I didn't expect him to act that way, but okay.

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