Chapter 1/02

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Legend has it that there is a Starbucks three blocks from Chaewon's condominium complex.

Despite living in the area for the better part of seven years, Chaewon could not confirm or deny this because every steaming cup of joe she's ever consumed has come from the kitchen of Miyawaki-Nakamura Sakura and Kazuha.

"Hey, Chae's here!" Kazuha swings the door open, ushering her neighbour inside. "Honey!" Kazuha's loud voice startles her sleepy wife half awake, "Can you fix up another cup for our VIP?"

Sakura yawns a "hello" to Chaewon and sluggishly starts working on her drink.

Sakura is no barista, by any means. She uses Twilight Brew, an instant coffee brand that most closely resembles the taste of lighter fluid-not that Chaewon's ever tried it, but she figures it would taste exactly like it.

Chaewon's been pretending to enjoy the acrid taste since her neighbours first moved in and invited her to their housewarming party. Needless to say, Kazuha and Sakura didn't receive many more visitors after that.

Chaewon, however, kept coming for the bad coffee and staying for the good conversations and great relationship advice.

No one gets love more than these two.

Chaewon pulls up a stool by the kitchen island. Kazuha takes a seat next to her and pats her shoulder.

"Alright... you only come to see us when there's a problem. What's buggin' you, champ?"

It's somewhat endearing how Kazuha, who is one year Chaewon's junior, is able to capture the exact mannerisms and vernacular of a dorky dad. Strange, but endearing.

"Remember that girl I've been seeing?"

"Ah, yeah... Yunjin, right?"

Kazuha slides a coaster towards Chaewon. Sakura then comes around and places the coffee mug atop it. It's such a simple and quick interaction between the wives-less than a second-yet a testament to how smoothly they work together.

"How have things been going?"

Sakura has one of those faces you just can't lie to.

Chaewon takes a sip before answering and it's-


"Noooo!" Kazuha sounds genuinely disappointed on Chaewon's behalf. "What's wrong? Did she catfish you?"

Chaewon chuckles, opens Instagram, and tries to find flattering pictures of Yunjin to show her friends.

This proves to be the easiest task imaginable as Yunjin is so unbelievably photogenic it's almost cruel. Even some of Yunjin's lesser quality photos-those taken in poorer lighting or plainer backgrounds-could easily pass as one of those obligatory "I'm quirky, I'm messy, I'm relatable, I'm just like you" posts that millionaire influencers like to make.

Sakura peers over Chaewon's shoulder and actually wolf whistles. "Whatever the issue is, it's definitely not her looks. Damn!"

Chaewon turns to Sakura's wife. "Is this ok with you?"

"What? A little crush?" Kazuha scoffs. "Just cause we're married doesn't mean we can't find others attractive. Sakura knows how I feel about Ms. Brown."

Sakura grips Chaewon's shoulder forcefully, like a bouncer escorting a drunk and disorderly person out of a nightclub.

"Do not ask her about Ms. Brown," Sakura orders through gritted teeth.

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