Chapter 5/02

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Prior to setting foot on Pledis' meticulously manicured, gorgeous green lawns, Chaewon always assumed that all rich people, even those born with silver spoons in their mouths, had some degree of intelligence.

In all her years of experience as a financial advisor, Chaewon knows that the self-made people had to make smart decisions in order to accrue profits while the privileged ones had to be extra mindful not to blow all their dough. There is no such thing as endless money.

But after walking past the third mansion with a Kanye-Trump 2024 campaign sign and diamond-encrusted statue of what appears to be Rick Astley, Chaewon realizes that this is one of the many things Yunjin has been right about: there are levels to rich.

There's your typical movie star rich, there's Crazy Rich Asians rich, then there's Insane Stupid American rich.

"Some people just have way too much money on their hands. Look at that one!" Chaewon points to another obscenely large four-story mansion with parallel waterslides starting from the roof and dropping down to the ground floor. "That isn't even a house any more, that's a water park-a deadly one at that! What engineer approved this mess? And-and what about that one?" Chaewon points to the hideous mansion across the street. "Gorgeous, white Roman pillars but the rest of the exterior is painted poop brown? What designer approved that mess?"

Yunjin shrugs, takes Chaewon's right hand, and kisses it. In doing so, the heavy messenger bag nearly slips off Yunjin who quickly readjusts it on her right shoulder, wincing in pain.

"Are you ok?" Chaewon asks, brows furrowing with concern.

"Yeah, it's just sore. I slept on it weird."

"Then why don't you just wear your bag on your left side?" Chaewon proposes an obvious solution.

"Ok, right now, my bag is on my right shoulder and my whole left arm is free. I'm using my left arm to hold your right hand. But if I wear my bag on my left shoulder, the bag will be a barrier, swinging between us, making it much more difficult to hold hands the way we are now. That means I'd have to use my free right hand to hold your left hand. And I don't wanna hold your left hand. I wanna stay holding your right hand because that's the one with the cute extra bump on the index finger knuckle." Yunjin explains nonchalantly, as if she didn't just do 4D chess and multivariable calculus in her head in order to figure out the optimal hand-holding positioning and arrangement for the both of them.

"You've really thought this through, huh?"

Yunjin nods, proud of herself.

"Wait, I have an extra bump?"

Shiro barks a perfectly timed "yes" from within the bag. Chaewon laughs.

Yunjin grabs Chaewon's left hand and guides it over the additional bump on Chaewon's right hand. "Feel?" Yunjin asks.

"Yeah..." Chaewon begins to realize. "It's..."


"No," Chaewon shakes her head, distressed, "It's abnormal! It shouldn't be here! What if this is early onset arthritis?"

"Chaewon," Yunjin chuckles, "I'm sure it's not that. It's just a cute little glitch. It's even more of you to admire." Yunjin cranes her neck to place a soft kiss on the area.

"What if it's bone cancer?" Chaewon pouts, taking this way out of proportion.

Chaewon expects Yunjin to be annoyed-like Chaewon's prior significant others who always reached a breaking point humoring Chaewon and her neuroses-but Yunjin remains exceptionally calm.

"Baby, you worry too much. I don't worry enough. It's a match made in heaven."

"What if it's cancer somewhere else..." Chaewon ignores Yunjin, "...and it's spread to my bones?"

Yunjin is still calm. Calmer, even.

"You are at the pinnacle of health, Kim Chaewon. I don't think I've ever seen you eat something that wasn't green and leafy or packed with a thousand vitamins and minerals. Obviously, you get your daily workout in with me. I guess the only thing you could work on is sleep. I don't help you get enough of that, do I?"

Just as Chaewon's about to reprimand Yunjin for her dirty mouth and making everything about s-e-x, the cheeriest voice Chaewon's ever heard cuts through their s-e-x-u-a-l tension.


Yunjin breaks her intense eye contact with Chaewon, gasps, and starts running toward the pigtailed girl in purple overalls.


"YUNJIN UNNIEEEEEE!" The girl-Yerim, Chaewon knows now-starts swinging open her mansion's wrought iron fence to allow Yunjin inside.

"YERIIIIIIIIIIIIM!" Yunjin chooses to leap over the fence anyway, causing the contents of the bag, including Shiro, to tumble out.

Thankfully, Shiro lands on lush grass, a little shaken but not hurt.

Another dog-of Shiro's exact shape, size, and breed, differing only in coat colour-comes up to Shiro to inspect and sniff him.

A third name is yelled.



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