Chapter 6/05

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Forbes Magazine: Special Issue


Yunjin and Chaewon Huh, spouses and co-CEOs of Eden's Garden-the largest brewing company in the world specializing in hard apple cider-sit down with Forbes to discuss the prosperous growth of their business and 50-year-long marriage.

Forbes Interviewer: Mrs. and Mrs. Huh, thank you for taking time out of your peaceful retired lives to talk business with us. It's a pleasure.

Huh Chaewon: Pleasure's all ours.

Huh Yunjin: It's either this or shuffleboard!

Forbes: First, we'd like to hear a little about how you were able to-pardon my pun here-"tap" into the alcohol industry.

Huh Yunjin: That was a nice "shot" you took there.

Forbes: (laughs) Thank you.

Huh Chaewon: My wife and I are quite transparent about our beginnings. We had little knowledge in this area. I worked in finance, she was a social media influencer-

Huh Yunjin: That job was all the rage back in our day.

Huh Chaewon: (clears throat) We were privileged enough to have the right connections and stumble upon another lovely couple who were willing to make some big moves and negotiations. We learned a lot from them and eventually, they handed the reins to us.

Honestly, much of Yunjin and I's success can be attributed to good luck and timing. We made the right moves at the right time. And we always did it together, as a team.

Huh Yunjin: We never let the fame or money get to our heads too. We donated a majority of our proceeds to LGBTQ organizations, environmental rights activists, and animal rescues.

Forbes: That's wonderful.

Part of what makes your dynamic so fascinating is that you're business partners and spouses. Is it difficult at times to have to constantly navigate between both roles? Yunjin?

Huh Yunjin: I've never noticed a difference. Chaewon seems to nag me the same amount (raucous laughter).

Huh Chaewon: Yunjin. (stated firmly)

Huh Yunjin: I'm kidding, I'm only kidding. No, she's the best there is.

When she scolds me-whether it's about going over budget for the second quarter or leaving milk out on the counter-I know it means she cares. Growing up, I never had anyone care enough about me to scold me. (the Huh's hold hands and exchange looks of support and comfort)

I love every iteration of her.

Forbes: (touched) Wow. It's inspiring how you're able to keep the spark alive after all these years.

Huh Yunjin: We'd love to share our secrets but I don't think we can. Not in this magazine anyway. Now, if this were Cosmo -

Huh Chaewon: Yunjin! (stated firmly) Our grandchildren could be reading this!

Huh Yunjin: Hi, kiddos! Nana Jinie and Nana Chae love you! Hugs and kisses!

Forbes: Feel free to share those marriage secrets. Please, however, keep it PG haha.

Huh Yunjin: You betcha (winks). Well, one secret about our marriage is that Chaewon didn't like me at first.

Huh Chaewon: No, that is not true. I always liked you. I had my doubts, that was all.

Huh Yunjin: I don't know why (said petulantly). I was a fox back then!

Huh Chaewon: (rolls eyes) Yes, but were you mature?

Huh Yunjin: (no response)

Huh Chaewon: Thought so.

Huh Yunjin: Am I mature enough for you now?

Huh Chaewon: You're 81 years old. I should hope so (deadpan delivery).

(the Huh's trade lighthearted glances again and kiss)

Forbes: (amused at the Huh's antics) You had to come around eventually, right, Chaewon?

Huh Chaewon: Of course. Yunjin was... (pats wife's knee) very charming.

Huh Yunjin: (interjects) Charmed the pants off her!


Forbes: ... Where were we?

Huh Chaewon: Yes, where were we? (noticeably irritated)

Huh Yunjin: I believe you were about to explain your garden metaphor.

Huh Chaewon: Right. It's not actually my metaphor. I borrowed it from one of my friends-one of our closest friends, Sakura Miyawaki-Nakamura.

To put it simply, I want you to imagine a successful marriage or any kind of sacred, romantic union as a beautiful garden: it does not simply sprout out of nowhere. You have to put in the effort to get there.

You start off with nothing but a few seeds of potential. You work with what you've got, you tend to it, you nourish it, you never let it dwindle.

Huh Yunjin: Little seeds of potential... budding, sprouting, flourishing into something bigger: a lifetime together (spreads arms wide).

I think our five kids, fourteen grandkids, and two great-grandkids on the way can attest to that! (laughs)

Huh Chaewon: Little seeds of potential (smiles)... from which we grew our garden.

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