Chapter 4/03

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"I guess it is possible to fuck someone's brains out, huh?"

Chaewon does a spit-take at Kazuha's blatant vulgarity. Thankfully, there's no one else at their table.

"Kazuha," Chaewon seethes, "We don't talk about such things at a Benihana! And Sakura, control your woman!"

Sakura stirs her virgin piña colada (which Sakura made Kazuha taste test to ensure it was non alcoholic... odd).

"Chaewon," Sakura sighs, "I wish I knew how."

Their hibachi chef soon arrives along with two sets of couples, Nayeon and Jeongyeon and Irene and Seulgi who are both out celebrating their anniversaries.

"Alright," Kazuha whispers to Chaewon, "You can't tell me not to continue our conversation about how things are going with you and Yunjin. Look around us. Look at the audience. It's a fucking pride parade in here."

Chaewon makes shy eye contact with the couples and looks back at Kazuha. "Yeah, and I'm the only single one."

Kazuha scoffs. "Single schmingle! You're in a relationship! Just fucking admit it! If you really wanted to break up with her, you woulda done it by now! You guys are together, you're gonna get married, and you'll be Marilin's other mommy."

" Shiro ," Sakura and Chaewon correct Kazuha, irately.

"Whatever," Kazuha downs her fourth soju shot and burps. "Buuaarghh. Hey, speaking of mommies-"

"Zuha," Sakura covers her wife's mouth, "Why don't you lay off the alcohol? I think you've had enough already."

"Honey, tonight is a celebration! I'm drinking for two, remember? Since y'know... you can't... and the baby can't... oh, I guess I'm drinking for three then!"

Aha! Chaewon knew it. She fucking knew it.

"What baby?" Chaewon squints at Kazuha.

"Uh... what baby? There's no- ahaha- there's no baby! Uh, listen Chaewon, the reason why Sakura and I invited you to dinner is because we have an announcement to make... and it's... it's that I'm dying. Yup! I have three months to live."

"Jesus, Mary, Kazuha," Kazuha's wife buries her head in her hands.

"Relax, Kkura," an absurdly wasted Kazuha whispers loudly for everyone to hear, "This'll take the spotlight off the baby news."

Irene raises her hand. "We're sorry to overhear..."

"Who could blame you?" Sakura says.

Irene chuckles politely. "But which news is true?"

"The one about me having three weeks to live!" Kazuha interjects.

"I thought it was three months," Chaewon challenges.

"Right! My uh... my disease... it's a special disease... it distorts time."

Kazuha may be the worst yet most entertaining liar Chaewon has ever had the pleasure of knowing. She just doesn't know how to lie-at all.

And Sakura loves her for it. So much so that she's willing to have Kazuha's crazy babies.

"It's the baby news," Sakura answers Irene, "This isn't how we were originally planning to reveal it, but here goes: We're expecting-"

"-me to die."

"Kazuha, enough!" Sakura swats Kazuha's arm. "You couldn't keep your mouth shut and you spilled the beans! We can't keep it a secret any longer. Everyone knows already! Even these nice people we just met!"

"Thank god!" Kazuha cries. "If I had to hold onto that one second longer, I would've exploded! Everybody, we're having a baby!"

Kazuha pulls out a stack of sonogram pictures labeled "Baby Jeong-Kim: Coming Next June" and spreads them out on the table for everyone to see.

Kazuha is drunker than Chaewon's ever seen her (even more than she was on New Year's Eve 2023), but Chaewon's sure the pure bliss on Kazuha's face would still be there even if she was alcohol free.

Kazuha excitedly points out the baby's features ("There's her nose and one of her hands- look at her wittle fingers!") and uses onomatopoeia to describe the baby's heartbeat ("It sounded like this: LUBDUB LUBDUBADUBDUBADUB!").

She's going to be the fun mom, that's for sure.

"So this is what you guys have been up to," Chaewon says to Sakura. "I didn't even know you were thinking about kids."

"We weren't," Sakura admits. "The plan was to get a dog. But the day that we went to the pet store, it was closed. The baby store next door was open. It felt like fate. Zuha and I went inside and we just... had this silly idea that we could do it. I sure hope we can."

Sakura looks down at her stomach, Kazuha spots her doing so, and kisses Sakura's temple.

"Chaewon turned out alright, all thingsconsidered, so I think this one will be good too," Kazuha reassures her wife,patting her belly.

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