Chapter VII: Welcome

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"Beautiful you say? More like..." Marcus was interrupted by the sound of a fleet of arrows that were shot up in the air, toward the ship. "Well yeah, like that :) Let's get out of the way!"

They all jumped off the ship, onto the island grounds. The assassins stopped fighting and glared at Elliot. The three heard a deep echo speak to the assassins.

"... Kill her... Now!" It was obviously Enzo.

With the command of their leader, the assassins sheathed their bow and disappeared from the heroic apprentices. Without a warning, the assassins surrounded the three and Marcus. They pulled a gun to the heads of the heroes.

"What do we do?" Cindy asked, worried about the triggers being pulled.

"I don't know. I can't strike them. We'll die if I do." Marcus replied. "Elliot, your power is strong I heard? Help us out here!"

She tried to make a shield around them, but the magic quickly burned out. Her eyes were covered in the darkest blood. She yelled in pain. Lucas helped her, but the triggers were pulled. Until...

In the crowd of apprentices, two black dragon wings rose. They flapped hard, blowing the assassins away. The wings were from one of the apprentices. He pulled out two daggers from his pockets and charged the assassins into the ocean. He cut their wrapped bodies off into the oceans.

He ended them by consuming their soul, instead of shooting them in their heart.  Everybody cheered, and the apprentice was silent.

After the cheering was silent, an old man came to him. "You did well. I expect you to continue your jobs."

The apprentice walked away and flew off without a word.

"Sigh... He did well..." He turned and noticed the giant ship that was docked on the grassy field. Among the group of apprentices, he noticed Marcus was safe. "Marcus! Thank goodness you're... back..." His eyes were on the three heroes.

Lucas looked at him and sheathed his knife. Cindy was a little uncomfortable and shy. Elliot was just silent as ever.

"Yeah... Let me explain. This is Lucas Arc Morrowind, Cindy Pink Marsh, and-"

"Elliot Elsweyr, I presume? I'm happy we meet..."

"Who... Wait, what?" Elliot's text shifted.

"My name is Mr. Smive. I know, funny name. I'm the principal for the mages of Midrot Island."

Dravik Smive is the principal of the Midrot Island Magic Classes. He teaches his students to control their power and even amplify it, making the power stronger and deadlier. But he is almost too old to teach amplifying. There isn't even a mage worthy of the magic he can teach. Until today, he recognizes Elliot Elsweyr with similar energy. He believes to have seen her from somewhere... or someone.

"I can teach everybody of their magic like the others. But, only for the apprentices who can amplify their magic." He used his power and moved the boat to a safer spot to dock. He then walked and got on a horse. "Come on." The horse was strapped onto a carriage. "Get in." The three very cautiously got in the carriage and they instantly started moving.

Lucas stood from his chair and popped from the window. "Wait, where are we going?"

"I will show you our island, and show you why you are here." Mr. Smive replied without eyeing Lucas.

The island was beautiful in sight. But, it was not like Hoskar. It had a lot of farms, villages, and a lot of giant trees. Some of the trees even had doors to go inside of the tree. Usually, they're homes, but they're also good for growing crops and more.

"It's so beautiful! Who would've known a world like this was beyond Hoskar!" Cindy said.

"I know. But, just imagine what these crops could do for the island! It could save us!" Lucas said, jumping from his seat.

"Wouldn't that just be stealing, though?" Elliot asked.

Lucas turned to her with his hands on his hips. "You think I'd steal? I'm not a bad person!" Lucas reminded.

Elliot chuckled and returned to the tour. As the tour went on, she saw an entire battle course downhill. She observed it and saw four people fighting each other with their magic. There was also a coach, watching them. After a few seconds of watching, they stopped and returned to the coach. The battle course was out of sight though.

The carriage stopped moving and they arrived. The door opened and they exited. They seemed to have arrived at one of the massive trees with doors in them. Except this tree was much larger. The door opened to a grand hall. There were a ton of people inside. As the three observed, a girl came running to them. Or Marcus.

"Big brother! Thank goodness you're okay!" The young girl said.

Marcus hugged her. "You know I can't leave you behind! Hehe..."

Cindy sadly watched them as they hugged. "What a kind sibling... If only I had one..." She glared over at Elliot, wondering what it would be like.

Mr. Smive walked up to the stairs and was on top of his balcony. "Everyone! I would like to introduce you to our newest students. Lucas Archer Morrowind, Cindy Pink Marsh, and one on the top of the board, Elliot Elsweyr!"

Elliot was still concerned about why Mr. Smive knew about her. She never recalled being on Midrot Island before.

"Here, at Midrot Island, we are meant to teach you the power you were rewarded. The magic you all hold is powerful and must be mastered to control it. You may be wondering, "Why do we have such power over ourselves?" It's to protect your home island, Hoskar. Years ago, necromancers rose and shattered Hoskar to pieces. We were gifted to slay every demon those necromancers created and to protect the island. They were too strong, but four heroes with the ability to amplify their magic drove the necromancers away. We were victorious and there were no more necromancers."

The room's light faded. "It wasn't enough. After the death of the heroes, one final necromancer was born. He heard the truth from his ancestors and plans to make that truth a reality. He plans to bring carnage across the land... Enzo... We will not interfere with his strength against Hoskar. We cannot outmatch him... But with your help, we can take him over. For Hoskar, and its freedom!"

The room pledged those words: For Hoskar, and Its freedom! When they were finished, they simply returned to their studies.

"Lucas, Cindy, and Elliot! Follow me." Mr. Smive commanded. The three anxiously walked up the stairs, into a small room.

As they followed Elliot noticed one of the students in the hall was glaring at her with a dead eye. He did not look happy. She quickly hid behind Lucas and tried not to look at him. It was the student's red eye that scared her...

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