Seijuro Akashi

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(Y/n) works her ass off more than anyone Akashi has ever met.
He knows how much she loves basketball and how much she trains.
Her cunning mind and empathetic heart aid her in competing against the generation of miracles.
Seijuro saw potential in her right away, but he never imagined how much she would progress in such a short amount of time.
Not to mention the other miracle members. They were all impressed and supportive in her pursuit to get stronger.
Everyday she goes at it and, against Sei's wishes, she rarely takes breaks.
(Y/n)'s goal is to be able to play against the miracles and win, or at least not lose by too much.
Unfortunately foreign players didn't see her hard work and only saw her gender.

"What's a weak little girl doing on the court?"
"Get off before you embarrass yourself."
"A puny bitch like her could never hope to win anything."
The foreigners smirk at one another and glare at the (h/c).
The miracles didn't take too kindly to that.
"Pathetic chicks like her should never be allowed on the court, let alone hold a ball."
This is the final straw.

"Hey! What gives you the right to say that?" Kuroko scolds in his usual quiet tone.
"Huh? I didn't even see you pipsqueak." The obvious leader teases.
"That girl works harder than anyone here," Kise adds.
"You asshats don't have half the talent she does. She could mop the floor with you." Aomine smirks and crosses his arms.
The foreigners laugh loudly.
"You think that girl could beat us? What a joke."

Seijuro smiles and takes a few steps forward.
"Here's another shrimp." The leader teases and looks at his lackies.
The men chuckle quietly.
"I would wager she could beat all of you. There are five of you. How about a one on one everyday next week? Starting Monday, ending on Friday."
Everyone's eyes widen in shock.
"The loser never plays basketball again." Akashi holds out his hand and smirks.
The leader composed himself then smirks. "You talk big about her. Is she your little piece of ass?"

"I never use such crass language but she is mine. That is why I am more than confident that she will win."
"Even better. I can't wait to see your face when I fuck your girlfriend up. I will go on friday." He takes Akashi's hand and squeezes roughly but the boy doesn't react.
"See you Monday. And sweet cheeks, you're in for an ass beating you won't ever forget."
The five foreigners leave, still smirking.

"Akashi, do you think that was wise?" Midorima inquires, pushing up his glasses.
The pink haired boy turns on his heels to his friends.
The said girl could only stand there in complete shock.
"Those jackasses are weak." Aomine mumbles and puts his hands on his hips.
"Seijuro, what if she can't win? Five matches in a row like that is crazy." Kuroko mumbles, walking next to the genius.
"We just have to have faith right?" Kise comments and smiles.
"Shut up dumbass," Aomine grumbles.

"(N/n)," Akashi whispers.
Slowly the girl relaxes and crosses her arms.
"Way to throw me under the bus, and claim I'll never play again if I lose."
"The stakes are high, but I know what you're capable of. It will be difficult but I know you'll come out on top."
(Y/n) walks over to her boyfriend and kisses him.
He kisses back and cups her cheek.
When she pulls away she sighs.
"Well now I have to do a bunch of research over the weekend with Momo. Thanks a lot. We were supposed to go out but now those plans are canceled."
Seijuro laughs softly. "Yes, I'm sorry. I will treat you Friday night I promise."
"What if she loses? Are you still gonna treat her, as an apology for ruining her life?" Aomine inquires, looking at the leader of the miracles.
"Of course I will. Spoiling her is second nature for me."

Come Monday everyone is excited for the match.
The man who (Y/n) will be facing is tall and muscular but isn't that bright.
(Y/n) was nervous all weekend but this match she was sure she'd win.
And of course she wins easily.
Although she's sore she figured she'd be fine for the week.
Unfortunately as the days go by, she is more than defeated come Thursday night.
Sore, exhausted and finding opponents that will apply dirty tricks to win.
She didn't know if she could handle tomorrow.
The leader is obviously the most powerful and skilled.

Her fears are evident on her face and all the miracles could see it.
"(Y/n) are you ok?" Aomine asks quietly.
"I have no doubt you'll win tomorrow. It is your sign's lucky day and I have your lucky item prepared," Midorima assures.
"They're resorting to cheap, dirty tricks because they know they can't beat you otherwise." Kuroko adds and pats the girl's back.
Finally the girl looks at her boyfriend.
They make eye contact and his smile disappeared.

"You don't think I can do this anymore, do you?"
Seijuro remains silent.
"You put my career on the line. You swore I could beat all five of them in five days. Are you taking that all back now Sei?"
"(N/n)..." Akashi walks over and cups her face with his hands. "You've pushed yourself and now you're exhausted. If you let him get to you tomorrow you're done for. He will break you. You have to remain strong and remember why you started playing."
Tears stream down the girl's cheeks.

Due to her stress and anxiety Seijuro slept with her and held her close.
(Y/n) buries her face in his chest and relaxes completely.
Unfortunately come time for the match and she sees her opponent, her mind races and her anxiety skyrockets.
"Sei I can't." She whispers, turning to her boyfriend quickly.
Her panic makes his heart clench and he begins to feel the weight of his mistake.
If she loses now it will be his fault.

Sei cups her face, stares into her eyes then kisses her passionately.
She grips his shirt tightly.
"I'm sorry." He whispers against her lips.
(Y/n) sniffles and pulls away.
"Crying because you know you won't win? All that work for nothing? I'm gonna mop the floor with you and enjoy every second of it." The leader stands near and puts his hand on his hip.
Akashi wipes her face and nods slowly.

(Y/n) turns to the man and crosses her arms. "Well seeing as how I've crushed the others I don't think this will be much different."
The man smirks and hovers over her. "Seeing as how you barely won and are exhausted, I know you have no chance of winning. Plus you could never hope to win against a big, strong man like me. You're still a weak, pathetic girl."
(Y/n) clenches her fists. "You're right. I am weak and tired but that will only make my victory that much sweeter."
The foreigner laughs and shakes his head. "You've got balls, chick. But they won't help you." He turns and walks away.

To no one's surprise the match is even but not in her favor.
Midorima is squeezing her lucky item.
Aomine and Kuroko are shouting plays at the girl and encouraging words.
Atsushi is just angrily eating a bag of chips.
Kise is wringing his hands, worrying enough for everyone.
But (Y/n) only cares about one person right now.
His solemn expression is doing nothing but depress her.
If he didn't have courage in her why should she?
But then she remembered what he said.

She needs to play for herself and not let him get to her.
(Y/n) steels her nerves and clenches her teeth.
He plays dirty but she pushes through everything.
Her pain is excruciating but she screams through it.
Come the last second she shoots a three pointer, the foreigner yells, trying to block it, but fails.
The buzzer echoes in her ear and she falls to her knees.
The crowd is silent for a while but then erupts into cheers.
The miracles run over and group hug her.
(Y/n) cries loudly in relief.
The five men growl and clench their fists.
Akashi looks at them with a menacing smile.

After they leave Seijuro walks over to his girlfriend.
She leaps into his arms, catching him off guard, but he catches her.
He rubs her back as she cries into him.
"I can't believe you won!" Kise exclaims and ruffles her hair.
"Of course she won dumbass." Aomine mumbles and crosses his arms.
"I did say it was her lucky day did I not?" Midorima grumbles.
Kuroko stays silent but smiles softly.
Seijuro lifts her up and carries her away. "Time to reward you."

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