Muzan Kibutsuji

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If Rengoku can be described as a ray of sunshine, then (Y/n) is the sun itself.
So far out of reach.
Too hot to touch.
And too bright to look at.
Most people describe her as the perfect woman and the perfect Hashira.
Unfortunately being told you're perfect all the time has it's drawbacks.

(Y/n) stands in front of her enemy and he could only stare in disbelief.
The demon looks the woman up and down. "Are you lost miss?"
Due to him being in his child form he decided to play dumb.
"I know who you are. Is there a place we can be alone?"
After noticing she is unarmed his disbelief turns to confusion.
Although with a snap of his fingers they are in the infinity palace.

(Y/n) looks at the demon who has now taken on his normal form, except he is wearing a kimono instead of his suit.
"What brings the perfect one to my palace unarmed? I thought for sure you were here to kill me."
"Someday you will die. But it will not be by my hand."
"Oh you think? I thought it was the life's mission of a Hashira to kill me and all demons?"
"Oh it is, but I'm being realistic."
"I see they don't call you the perfect one for nothing. Beauty and brains have blessed you."

"I see you have the lying tongue of a demon."
In a flash the man is standing over the woman, his eyes wide and expression terrifying.
(Y/n) jumps as his hand squeezes her throat.
"I never lie." He growls and tips his head slightly.
A dark blush paints her cheeks and her breathing goes uneven.
Muzan looks her up and down. "Filthy pest." He mumbles and takes a step back.
(Y/n) bites the inside of her cheek.
"I can't believe I let a dirty wretch like you in here."
His anger turns back into confusion when he notices her gaze move from his eyes to his lips then back.
At first he assumed her legs pressing together was because he was lifting her into her tip toes, but now he knew it was something else.

So to see if his suspicions were correct he did a little test.
He lets go of her neck and takes a couple more steps back. "If you're unarmed I have to wonder why. The human boys not doing it for you?"
(Y/n) looks away and answers without thinking. "No."
It was quite but Muzan still hears.
Thought so. He thinks to himself.
Once again his hand is at her throat but this time he throws her against a wall.
"So the perfect one has come to me, her mortal enemy, because she wants it rough. Does the little slut need degradation as well?"

Immediately (Y/n) blushes and moans weakly when he slams her to the wall.
"Does the perfect one want to be my little whore? The man she's hunted and failed to kill. What trash have I allowed into my sanctuary?"
His lower half grinds against hers and she moans softly.
"So I was right. What would the other Hashira says if they saw you? Here with me, your eyes begging me to ravish you. And you haven't even answered my question. Why are you here?"
As she opens her mouth he grinds against her again.
"You know why I'm here." She manages to growl.

"I won't do anything until you say it."
"I won't give you the satisfaction."
The defiance in her eyes mixed with the neediness of her body makes Muzan smirk.
"If you won't beg me now then I will make you scream later. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be mute."
A shiver runs down her spine when he blows on her ear gently.
"Then hurry up." She mumbles then reaches out to grab him, but he slaps her.

"I didn't give you permission to touch me slut."
Her head whips to the side and her neck hurts from the sudden movement.
The demon snaps his fingers and they are now in a bedroom, naked. "At least the perfect one has a body I can work with."
(Y/n) lays on the bed and spreads her legs. "We don't have all day."
Muzan smirks and hovers over her. "I have all the time in the world."

Neither of them wanted foreplay.
(Y/n) definitely didn't want to admit she wanted this.
He wastes no time slamming his fingers in and out of her.
At first she tried holding back the noises in defiance but eventually let's everything out.
Muzan smirks and inhales her scent. "Oh giving in to your wanton side. If I devour you would you get louder?"
Before she can answer, his mouth works along with his fingers.
Her moans do in fact get louder and more needy.

When the demon gets bored he pulls out and licks his fingers clean.
Unfortunately she was on the edge so she groans from the loss of contact.
Muzan notices and laughs darkly. "Oh did the poor wretch not get off?"
(Y/n) clenches the sheets and pants softly.
Without missing a beat he shoves his cock down her throat.
Immediately tears stream down her face and she chokes.
The desperate noises turn the demon on and he thrusts his hips harder.
He grips her hair tightly and goes until he spills down her throat.

(Y/n) coughs and Muzan laughs evilly.
"Oh look at you! The perfect one choking on my cock and moaning for her mortal enemy."
She growls and puts her knees together.
The man grabs her thighs and rips them apart. "Did I say you could hide?"
Her mouth opens but she moans loudly when he thrusts into her.
Going balls deep makes her back arch off the bed.
The demon didn't hesitate to pound her.

A sudden yelp comes out when he flips her onto her hands and knees.
"Oh how the perfect one has fallen to be the demon king's cum dumpster."
His hand turns her ass red and raw, making more tears stream down her cheeks.
Her head falls between her arms and everything gets shaky.
Muzan wraps his arm around her waist and rubs her clit.
As she gets closer her hands grip the sheets.

This time he lets her release and finishes a few thrusts after her.
Her knees give out and she collapses onto her stomach.
The raven haired man smirks and presses his body against hers. "You didn't think I was done with you did you?"
Her expression turns confused while he lays her on her back and ties her to the headboard.

"I found this little item while in the entertainment district. I don't know why I bought it but it will definitely be useful right now. Your throat might be sore and your legs shaky, but it's not enough. This will help me achieve my goal."
(Y/n) watches him walk away then come back to the bed with a vibrator.
Her eyes widen slightly.
"Have you ever used one of these? I suspect not. You have plenty of people lining up to be your lover."
"I've never had a lover."

Muzan looks at the woman confused. "Never? Earlier you said-"
"I said they didn't do it for me because I knew beforehand they couldn't give me what I need." (Yn) cuts him off.
This makes the demon smirk and slam his lips against hers.
They get heated and messy.
When they pull away Muzan grips her throat, squeezing tightly.
Her gasp is strained and he puts the item against her sensitive area.
When he turns it on she whimpers and rolls her hips.

Her wrists begin to bleed as she pulls harder and harder on her restraints.
Muzan makes sure she cums before turning it up a level.
Overstimulated and crying more, (Y/n) pants heavily and moans weakly.
The demon revels when she squirts and screams in pleasure. Muzan finally gives attention to her breasts.
Her nipples are hard and sensitive already.
He leaves marks around them, making sure to bite and draw more blood.
Seeing her bleed makes him more turned on and the taste of her blood is intoxicating.

Finally her voice is gone and everything is a mess.
Muzan gets off the bed and cleans himself up. Once he finishes he looks at what he's done and smirks evilly.
"My little whore. The perfect one has fallen to hell with her lover. Have fun explaining your condition to the Hashira."
Before she can attempt to say anything he snaps his fingers again.
When her eyes open she is in the middle of a Hashira meeting.
Unfortunately she is still bare, bloody and broken.
"(Y/n)!" Rengoku exclaims, catching her before she can hit the ground.
Tengen wraps his haori around her body.
Everyone else remains in silent shock.

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