Kyojuro Rengoku

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"Kyo..." (Y/n) whispers, walking over to her fiancée.
"My little flame. What's wrong?" He asks, putting his hands on her hips.
Her expression is sad which he knew meant this was something serious.
"I have good news." She answers and looks into his eyes.
"That's wonderful. Why is your expression so grim my flame?"
"We're gonna have a baby."
As those words sink in his face mirrors hers.
"Oh, I understand."
(Y/n) looks away and moves his hands over her stomach.

His eyes move down but soon enough he smiles.
"We both know being a Hashira is dangerous but I will strive to live for them. I want to see them with my own eyes."
"I'm not far along so my dress will still fit next month."
Rengoku laughs softly and nods. "Ah yes. I would hate to think if we waited any longer the dress would need alternations."
"Who should we tell first?"
"I think the master should be the first to know."
"Maybe he will give you less missions-"
"I couldn't ask him to do that. I have a duty (Y/n)."

She knew better than to have said anything but it slipped out.
Her frown and gaze shift makes his heart clench.
"I'm sorry little flame. I just hate to think of how many innocent people could die from a demon attack that I could prevent."
"I know it's selfish of me. I'm sorry." The woman whispers softly.
Rengoku kisses her cheek gently. "Don't apologize darling. I understand that you worry. Just know I will do everything in my power to come home to you both."

After talking to master Kagaya they made an announcement to everyone else at dinner.
Tengen and the women were excited and shared congratulations.
Nezuko crawls over and puts her hand on (Y/n)'s stomach.
"Nezuko you're supposed to ask first." Tanjiro mumbles, smiling nervously.
"It's ok. Unfortunately you won't feel anything quite yet. In a few month you will though."
The young girl smiles, eyes closed.
Rengoku rubs his fiancée's shoulder gently.

As expected her wedding dress fits just fine and the fire Hashira couldn't help crying at the sight.
(Y/n) walks down the aisle with the master who gives her away.
The ceremony is small but they preferred it that way.
Rengoku was shocked to see his brother and father.
Shinjuro looks at the woman. "So you married my useless son?"
"Not only that but I'm having his child." She responds and holds her bouquet tighter to her stomach.
"You're pregnant?!" He exclaims then looks at his son.
"She is. When it's time you will have a grandchild."
"I'm gonna be an uncle?" Senjuro asks, excited.
"Indeed you are." (Y/n) affirms, smiling widely.

After a tense few minutes the elder sighs and crosses his arms.
"Congratulations." He mumbles and walks away.
Kyojuro sighs and ruffles his brother's hair. "Thank you for coming Senjiro. It means a lot."
"Of course brother! I wouldn't have missed it for the world." The young brother assures.
(Y/n) hugs him gently. "I'm glad I can call you my brother now. If you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask."
Senjiro hugs back tightly, burying his face in her chest. "I love you so much." He mumbles into her dress.
The woman laughs softly and pets his hair. "I love you too buddy."

As the months go by (Y/n)'s stomach grew and her body began to hurt all over.
Nezuko was thrilled to finally feel the baby move and kick against her hand.
Tanjiro, Zenitsu and even Inosuke took turns feeling as well.
Inosuke thought it was the weirdest and coolest thing ever.
Tanjiro recalled feeling his mother's stomach when his siblings were in there.
Kyojuro does his best to help his wife with anything she needs.
Unfortunately while he's away he relies on the girls at the mansion.

No one could have predicted how much she would go through with the entire pregnancy.
It was a grueling experience and sometimes she can be heard crying at night.
Her body pains are excruciating and she wanted nothing more than to have the baby out.
They tried giving her medicine for the pain but it would only relieve it for a short time before coming back worse.
The stress on her body is what more than likely caused to her go into an early labor.

Rengoku rushes into the room and to his wife's side. "My flame I'm here!" He yells and squeezes her hand.
The woman cries and looks at the man. "I'm sorry." She sobs and buries her face in his chest.
He bends down and hugs her gently. "Don't speak darling. Just focus on breathing and getting through this."
Shinobu and the girls get everything ready and prepare for delivery.
They had to push out the men who tried to enter, insisting Rengoku was the only one allowed.

As the hours go by (Y/n) tried telling her husband to leave and go on a mission but he refused to leave her side.
He wasn't going to miss this, even if it took hours.
Unfortunately it didn't just take a few hours, (Y/n) couldn't start pushing until the next day. It was 23 hours of labor and 7 attempts at pushing before the baby comes out.
(Y/n) screams loudly then pants heavily when she feels the rush of relief when the baby is out.
Unfortunately there isn't any crying.
Both parents look down at Shinobu to see her quickly turn and begin working on the baby.

"Shino... why isn't my baby crying?"
"Shinobu whats wrong?" Kyojuro inquires.
Suddenly crying fills the air and (Y/n) reaches out to the purple haired woman.
She cleans the baby up and puts it on (Y/n)'s chest.
The mother whimpers and holds her baby close.
"You have a daughter." Aoi informs quietly.
"Little flame are you ok?"
Shinobu finishes cleaning up then her and the girls leave the room.

"She's so tiny."
"She's a bit earlier than normal but it's ok. She's here and that's all that matters."
"I'm sorry." She whispers again.
The Hashira kisses his wife gently and rubs her cheek.
The baby squirms against her chest, her fist pounding against her breast.
Rengoku pulls away so (Y/n) can feed the baby. "Didn't Aoi say it would take about an hour before the baby would feed?"
"If you haven't noticed Kyo, our baby isn't like other babies."
The man laughs and nods in agreement. "So true."

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