Shinji Hirako

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(Y/n) sighs softly and looks at the ceiling. "Another long night." She mumbles and gets up.
Her feet take her outside and she trains for a while.
Unfortunately come sunrise she finally felt tired enough that she could sleep.
Her post would not allow her to sleep though, obviously.
(Y/n) fights her drowsiness best she can but she constantly falls asleep in the most random of places.
A few squad members take notice and start talking.
Word reaches her boyfriend and he makes his way to find her.

"Shinji? What are you doing here?" She asks, smiling softly.
"There is talk about you falling asleep all over the place. Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
The blonde sighs but smiles. "Ok then. Come to me if you need anything."
"I will." She kisses his cheek gently and he leaves.
A long sigh comes from her lips and she kicks a couple rocks.

That night her eyes are wide open but instead of training she reads for a while and practices her meditation.
This time hoping the relaxation would put her to sleep, sadly it didn't work either.
After a while she makes herself some tea.
Frustration takes over when nothing she tries helps.
Come morning her day is exactly the same as the last.
Shinji couldn't help worrying about his girlfriend so he confronts her again.

"I know something is wrong. Tell me what it is."
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "I can't sleep at night."
"Why didn't you tell me that before? How long has this been happening?"
"Not too long. I didn't tell you because there's nothing you can do to help me. I didn't want you to worry and stress about it."
The captain frowns and hugs his girlfriend gently.
They stay together for a while, Shinji rubbing her back slightly, before he finally speaks.
"Why don't you sleep with me tonight. If that still doesn't work then I'll figure something else out ok?"
(Y/n) smiles and nods at the suggestion.

Once they finish with work (Y/n) changes into her nightgown and lays on her boyfriend's futon.
Shinji walks over in a robe then lays next to her.
She lays on her side and he holds her close.
Shinji lays on his back, his arm around her back, rubbing with his thumb.
Her eyes close and she relaxes, breathing in his scent.
"Try to get some sleep." He whispers and kisses her forehead.
Fortunately she does fall asleep, only to wake up an hour later.
Then she is awake for the rest of the night, but she enjoys his company.

Come morning Shinji wakes up and sees his lover. "Did you sleep?"
"I got roughly an hour."
He frowns and looks away. "If it's such a hassle and you really can't avoid it, you can always transfer to the night shift. You can switch and sleep during the day."
"But then we'll never see each other."
The blonde smiles and shakes his head. "We'll make time. I'm sorry you've been struggling."
(Y/n) kisses him gently. "Are you sure?"
He nods with a stern expression. "Why don't you go talk to your captain and make the arrangements."
(Y/n) opens her mouth but sighs and nods. "Ok. I'll let you know when I'm done."
"Ok. In the meantime I'll come up with a plan for us to spend time together."
The woman kisses him once more before leaving.
Shinji watches and sighs softly. He walks to his barracks and starts thinking, of course before someone interrupts.
More than likely being Hiyori.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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