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(Y/n) began as a lady in waiting.
Unfortunately her beauty caught the eye of the emperor and he made her one of his concubines.
She didn't want to be with the emperor...she wanted his son.
A son everyone knows but didn't know is the heir.
A man under the guise of a eunuch.
She knew he could have any woman he wants but all she wants is him and a quiet life.
So if she had to suffer the possibility of bedding someone else(even if it is the emperor) she will also decide who she beds.

"Lord Jinshi, lady (Y/n) has called for you."
"Oh really? I wonder what she could need at this time of night. Do you think I need to get the apothecary?"
Gaoshun shakes his head.
The young man nods and leaves to visit (Y/n).
Immediately he notices it's quiet and barren.
"Where are her ladies in waiting?"
"Lord Jinshi you've arrived. My lady is inside her chamber waiting for you. She asked us to give you two total privacy so no one will be around until morning. So I must ask Gaoshun to follow me."
The lead lady in waiting greets and informs.
The two men are hesitant but Jinshi agrees and heads inside.

Once he reaches the chamber he knocks.
"Lady (Y/n) are you inside?"
"Enter." She responds in a...sad tone?
Jinshi looks at the door confused before opening it. "My lady what's wrong? It's quite late." He inquires, closing the door.
"How often do you come across a concubine who did not wish to be one?"
"It is not my place to say. I do not presume other's feelings." The man responds and walks toward the bed.
"I did not want the emperor as my lover. I did not want or need the lavish life I lead. I am grateful for it all but I am still empty inside. It's an awful feeling, being torn between the two."
"I understand my lady. But if you wanted to vent to someone why me, and why now?"
"No one else can give me what I want or need. It's only ever been you."

Jinshi looks at the woman confused. "I don't understand."
"I know what you are, and I know what you are not. How no one else has is beyond me."
Jinshi takes a step back.
"I like to think we've been friends for so long now, I know you rather well. Sadly I have been in love with you for just as long. Unfortunately I know every other woman fancies you too."
"What do you want?"
"I want to be your lover. If I am to suffer the emperor then I shall do as he does and pick another lover as well."
"You can't-"
(Y/n) cuts him off. "Do you enjoy my suffering Shi?"
The purple haired man clenches his fist at the nickname she gave him when they first met as children. He found it so endearing.

"I hate it." He whispers angrily.
"Then please give me this bit of happiness. I swear it won't be often."
"I would be killed if we got caught."
"They can't kill you Jinshi."
He wanted to ask how she could be certain but she knows who he really is.
That would be her answer.
"This is the reason you sent your ladies away and my servant."
"Yes. We cannot be loud for there is an echo but we can still make love and not be found out."
Jinshi takes a bit to figure out his answer.

(Y/n) stands from her bed and slips off her robe. "Does seeing me help you make a decision?"
The man blushes deeply but couldn't make himself look away.
A woman he's called friend for so long is now bare in front of him...and she is breathtaking.
He walks over and she puts her hand on his chest.
"Please don't deny me." She whispers desperately.
Her forehead presses against his bare chest and a slight sniffle reaches his ears.
Jinshi lifts her chin and kisses her gently.
(Y/n) kisses back and holds his waist.
They make quick work of his clothing and soon they are both bare.

"I love you Shi. Thank you." She whispers against his lips.
He lays her back on the bed and lays between her legs. "Remember, you can't be loud."
(Y/n) nods but instantly gasps when he begins using his mouth.
The back of her hand covers her lips but she still whimpers and moans weakly.
He holds her thighs apart, giving him better access.
Her free hand tangles in his long hair, tugging slightly.
It was clear when she was close and he allowed her the first release.

Once (Y/n) gets her breath back she cups his cheek.
"Now please allow me to pleasure you Shi."
Every time he hear her call him that his heart clenches.
It reminds him of their past and makes their present all the more hard to swallow.
Jinshi lays on his back and it was her turn to lay between his legs.
Although she doesn't lay, she remains on all fours.
As soon as her mouth wraps around his cock he was in bliss.
Having never felt the pleasure of a woman the feeling is more intense.
Her tongue puppy licks the tip a few times, moving from the base to head before taking it all.
He couldn't believe how skilled she is; not to mention how close he is already.
When he finally does release she swallows it all.

A small blush paints his cheeks when he sees her do so though.
"I will be forever grateful to you Shi. I love you."
"I love you too."
The response was sudden and mostly growled out.
Jinshi quickly throws the woman under him before thrusting in.
(Y/n) gasps but moans weakly.
His hips don't pause for a moment and she didn't want them too.
Heavy panting echos in the room but nowhere else.
Her weak moans and his slight groans are music to their ears.
He pounds into her hard and rough but she loves it.

When she squeezes around him his mind goes blank, making his thrusts sloppy.
Her hands grip the sheets but move to his shoulders.
Her nails drag down his back roughly, leaving marks.
They press against each other, only wanting the other.
"I want you (n/n), only you. When I heard what the emperor did I lost hope. I had a dream to make you mine but everything's changed. You can't be mine anymore."
"I am yours Shi. Only yours. My heart belongs to you. He may have my body but I will always be yours."
Tears water their eyes and he buries his face in her neck.
He kisses and nibbles her collarbone but not enough to leave a mark.

As they get closer his speed increases and he kisses her to muffle their noises.
When they finally release he pulls away and they pant heavily.
Jinshi stays inside for a while before pulling out.
(Y/n)'s legs shake but slowly stop.
"I don't want to leave you." He whispers softly, moving hair off her face.
"Neither do I. But you must."
"What should I say when they ask what we were doing?"
"I don't know." She whispers honestly.
"You had a sudden urge to meet the new apothecary but are too shy and didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your ladies."
"That sounds ridiculous but it might work. We can make better excuses in the future."

Jinshi stands and brings over a wet cloth to clean up.
"I know things will be hard but promise me you won't hate me...or regret it."
The man looks at the woman shocked. "I could never hate you...and I could never regret what we've done."
(Y/n) stands, although wobbly, then grabs her robe.
Jinshi kisses her shoulder before it is covered. "I love you." He whispers in her ear before getting dressed himself.
They make sure the other is fixed up before Jinshi tucks the concubine in.
He kisses her forehead then blows out her candle.
Using his own candle he manages to go back down to the main entrance.
Looking at the flame he realized how angelic she looks in the candlelight.
Jinshi sets the flame down, blows it out then leaves.

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