Shinji Hirako

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(Y/n) walks through squad three's barracks with her lieutenant, Rojuro.
The said blonde smiles slightly and holds out a phonograph cylinder. "As promised, my latest favorite."
"Thank you so much Ro. I can't wait to listen to it. The last one you gave me was actually pretty good."
"Are you actually surprised? Now I'm just hurt."
"I would prefer to hear you play your guitar but ce la vie."
Shinji walks past and notices the woman and his friend across the courtyard.
The two are close but seeing them like this makes the blonde captain jealous.

He wants to be closer to the captain of squad 3 but he figured since they're dating he doesn't have a chance anymore.
Although what Shinji doesn't know is it's only a platonic friendship and she has feelings for him.
Her hopes are crushed though when she begins to believe he and Hiyori are dating.
So neither captain realizes the other likes them and they aren't dating anyone.
Thankfully everyone else notices.

"I know it's hard since you're a captain and you have responsibilities, but maybe you should try making time for yourself." The lieutenant suggests.
"It's been quiet recently. Maybe you have a point."
"Yeah. I think you and captain Hirako should spend some time together."
"Why Shinji?"
"Because you like him. Don't you spend time with those you like?"
"I'm sure he's a busy man. He doesn't have time for me."
"Nonsense. I'll talk to Aizen and see if he can take over his responsibilities for a day. Then you two can have a picnic or something."
"Thanks Ro. You're the best lieutenant."

Later that night Aizen walks into his captain's office.
"What can I do for you lieutenant?" Shinji inquires, continuing his paperwork.
"Do you fancy captain (Y/n)?"
The blonde's hand stops moving and he looks up quickly. "Excuse me?"
"Do you like her?"
"She's a fellow captain. I like her well enough. Why are you asking this randomly?"
"Lieutenant Ōtoribashi asked if I could watch over the squad for you for a day so you and captain (Y/n) could spend time together."
Shinji sighs and shakes his head. "That's ridiculous. Don't pay him any mind."

"I came to tell you I would agree to the arrangement if you wanted me to. As you know I am perceptive. I've had my suspicions about your feelings. Hers are all too clear to me though."
"She's already dating lieutenant Ōtoribashi. So there is no point in continuing this discussion."
"They are not in a romantic relationship captain."
The blonde looks up confused. "What?"
"Plus I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon for a captain and their lieutenant to be involved."
"They aren't together?"
Shinji looks at the papers in front of him.
"Should I assume I will be watching over your duties for the day?"

(Y/n) fixes her zanpakuto on her hip.
Shinji walks over and smiles softly.
"Oh Shinji you made it. I'm glad."
"The weather is beautiful today. I'm glad our picnic won't be rained on."
"I also have a gift for you. Here." She holds out a record for him and laughs softly. "I know you've been into the music from the world of the living. I believe it's called jazz."
The blonde smiles and takes the record. "Thank you."
The two walk past some squad three members, including Rojuro.
The blonde smiles at his captain.
(Y/n) smiles back softly and tips her head as they walk past.

Shinji frowns, seeing the two. "You two are close. Closer than other captains and lieutenants."
"I guess so. We have a few common interests but he's just a nice friend. We keep each other at arms length most of the time. But you and Hiyori are close too. I'd say closer than Ro and I."
This causes the man to scoff but laugh and shake his head.
"No way. She's the biggest pain in my ass. We fight like cats and dogs. She's too busy yelling at me and hitting me with her shoe."
(Y/n) laughs softly but realizes the meaning of his words. "So you aren't dating?"
"What?! Of course not. I would never date her."

The two remain silent as they get to their picnic destination.
Both captains sit on the blanket and pour themselves  some sake.
"Can I ask you something?" Shinji finally speaks up.
"Of course."
"Aizen told me that you like me romantically."
(Y/n) blushes and takes a sip of her sake.
"Is that true?"
"Yes. Now may I ask a question?"
"Do you like me romantically?"

The two keep their eyes on their picnic for a while.
Small smiles replace their frowns.
"Would you do me the honor of being my partner?" (Y/n) asks quietly.
Shinji nods and looks up at the woman. "Of course. May I call you mine?"
The woman smiles and nods as well. "Would you consider it love?"
The question catches the blonde off guard. He thinks about his answer before nodding.
"I think so. What about you?"
"I as well. Although I don't think it would be wise to go public."
"I 100% agree. I don't think anyone else needs to know."
"What about Aizen and Rojuro?"
The blonde frowns and shrugs. "I guess so, but I assume they know already."
(Y/n) kisses Shinji's cheek gently and he puts his hand on hers.

When (Y/n) finds out what happened between Shinji and Aizen she was shocked.
Instead of staying and trying to defend her boyfriend, which would only get her killed, she went into hiding with him and the others.
The other captains believed her to be dead and some mourned her.
The shock on their faces was pleasant at their reunion.
Both (Y/n) and Shinji got jealous of their partner's friendships over the years but deep down they knew nothing could come between them.

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