Loid Forger

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Twilight looks over the file in his hand.
"Undercover once again. I've got your starter kit here." Franky mumbles and pushes a brief case to his client.
"Thanks again Franky." The agent takes the case and walks to his apartment. He changes into the clothes and adds the right accessories.
"This should be an easy mission. Get close to the target, get her to tell me what I want to know and also assess her threat level."
"Her family is part of a terrorist group trying to start a war between east and west. They're getting bolder and might start something soon. I need to get into their ring as soon as possible. Pretending to be her partner will get me access fast."

Once Twilight finishes he walks outside and goes looking for the woman.
Thankfully it's not hard; she's with a group of her friends walking into a local bar.
Loid walks in and goes to the bar. He orders a drink then looks around for the woman.
(Y/n) is at the other end of the bar refusing a drink from her friend.
From my research she wants a bold guy but not pushy.
The now black haired agent walks up behind her, presses his body against hers, and whispers in her ear seductively. "Can I order you something, off menu?"

(Y/n) blushes at the deep voice and looks over her shoulder at his face.
Her face gets a bit darker.
"Who might you be?" The woman inquires.
One of her friends groans. "Why does (Y/n) get all the hotties?"
"You can call me yours." Twilight responds and takes a sip of his drink. He adds a wink.
(Y/n) covers a laugh with her fingers. "Do you use that line on every girl?"
"I don't normally flirt. To be honest you're the first woman that's caught my attention. Did I do it right?"
"Ack gross. (Y/n) come on, let's go." Her third friend tries pulling her away.

"You said something off menu. What did you have in mind?" (Y/n) turns to Twilight and smirks.
The agent smirks, knowing she's caught in his trap.
"Would you like to come back to my place and find out?"
"(Y/n) what about Asano?" The brunette friend hisses.
Her brother? Is she worried about him finding out about (Y/n) going off with a guy?
"Asano doesn't need to know and he definitely won't hear it from any of you. Correct?"
A menacing aura radiates from (Y/n), catching Twilight off guard slightly.
The three friends look away but agree.

Twilight takes (Y/n) back to his apartment and immediately slams her against his bedroom door.
She gasps softly but tips her head to the side.
I guess if I take her tonight maybe I won't have to again. I'll solidify our relationship with this one night and use it to my advantage. I'll make it an incentive. She's probably the type to like denial.
"Be gentle with me. It is my first time after all."
"Wait, really?"
"Is that so shocking?"
"I just didn't think you'd let a guy like me be your first. Are you sure?"
(Y/n) smiles and nods.

Twilight takes her to the bed and they undress before laying in the bed.
(Y/n) felt overwhelmed by pleasure and the feeling of him.
He made sure to please her and when he finishes he makes sure to look after her.
(Y/n) lays on her side and traces his abs gently.
"I know this is bold and forward but...I don't want this to be a one and done. Could I take you for coffee or something tomorrow? I would be honored if a beautiful woman like you would be my girlfriend."
The woman frowns. "I'm sure that would change if you knew my family."

Twilight chuckles quietly. "You want me to meet your parents already? I mean ok I guess. I'll do my best to make a good impression."
(Y/n) laughs softly and lays her head on his shoulder. "Maybe after coffee tomorrow. Let's see if you can get my brother's seal of approval."
"I guess I should learn more about you before then. I'm sure he'll grill me about all your likes and dislikes."
She nods and smiles softly.
A yawn interrupts her response.
"Get some rest. I'll make you breakfast."
"You won't be gone when I wake?"
"Well seeing as how this is my apartment and I have off tomorrow I don't see why I would be gone."
A small blush paints her cheek.
"Good night."
"Sweet dreams." Twilight whispers and closes his eyes.

Come morning (Y/n) wakes up and yawns while stretching.
Her eyes move around the room and she remembers last night.
A familiar scent takes over her senses, her favorite breakfast.
The woman picks up Twilight's shirt and puts it on then puts on her panties.
Twilight sighs softly into his phone. "I'll be fine, thank you for the concern. Good day."
"Good morning." (Y/n) greets, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Twilight smiles at her over his shoulder. "Good morning."
"You've made my favorite. Thank you." She whispers softly, looking at the food.
"What a coincidence. I'm glad though."
Obviously he knew her favorite breakfast. Not to mention most of her likes and dislikes. Franky is very talented at getting little details like that on a target.
"Can I ask you something? It's been weighing on my mind."
(Y/n) pulls away and nods. "Sure."

"Are you involved in your family's...business?"
The woman frowns and sits on the counter behind her. "What do you know about my family's business?"
"I don't know details but is it true they're shady? That they're trying to start a war between east and west?"
She scoffs and crosses her arms. "Would you report me to the Secret Police if I said yes? I guess I should've known better. No one is going to want to date me because of who I was born to."
"You didn't answer my question."
"Am I involved? No. Far from it actually. I want nothing to do with them. The only contact I have is with my older brother who I'm pretty close to and dad puts money in my account."

Twilight doesn't know how to respond.
Is she lying? It doesn't seem like it. That just put her danger level to single digits. Could I use her to get to them though? Should I still try meeting them?
"Yesterday you said I could meet them. But if you don't have contact with them-"
"I haven't spoken to them for a few years now but I hoped you and I could be a thing. I'd like you to at least meet Asano."
"I would like to meet your family. That is, if you don't think it's too soon. We did just meet yesterday."
(Y/n) smiles softly. "We can visit him. I'll call Asano to give him a heads up."
"Sounds good to me."

Unfortunately after dinner (Y/n) never saw Twilight again.
Her family was arrested and when she went to his apartment to confront him she found it empty.
Her heart shattered at the realization it was him who tipped off the police.
Knowing she was spared didn't help.
Was it all a lie? Does he work for the police or is he a spy? All she wants is answers, but she knows she'll never get them.
Twilight felt bad for using her but he knew it was for the greater good.
Sometimes he'll think about the night they shared and his cheeks will flush.

//shit chapter. I'm sorry 😣

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