Loid Forger

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Anya doesn't interact with the older kids at Eden, she's too busy trying to befriend Damien and also continue to be awful at schoolwork.
Although today was different.
Anya walks past a courtyard and her telepathy picks up crying.
Her feet stop and Becky looks at her friend confused.
"What's wrong Anya?" Becky asks, looking around at where the pink haired girl is looking.
"Go on without me Becky. I wanna check something."
The brunette looks confused but agrees.

Anya walks toward the courtyard and finds an older girl crying.
The willow tree mostly hides her with the leaves.
"Um miss are you ok?"
The girl looks up and sniffles. "Huh?! Oh, I'm sorry."
"Why are you crying out here?"
Obviously she knows why but she can't say anything.
Loid had been spying on Anya today so he was curious to know how she'd deal with this situation.
"I shouldn't bother you with my problems."
"Maybe you could talk to my papa then. He's a feelings doctor."
"A therapist?"
"No he's a...psycho-pist."
"Psychiatrist you mean?"
"Yeah that."

The older girl manages a small laugh.
"Maybe he can help you feel better. I heard he's really good at what he does. I bet he could make you happy again."
"Thank you for the offer. My name is (Y/f/n)."
"I'm Anya Forger and my papa's name is Loid."
"Wait did she say (L/n)?" Loid inquires in his mind. "Her parents are a huge deal in the underground weapons dealings."
Anya's eyes widen when she hears Loid's thoughts.
"Weapons? That sounds dangerous."

"I should probably get to class."
"Maybe I should have Anya befriend this girl too. Having her over for dinner may prove to be helpful in intervening with her parent's dealings. What should I do? I'd have to wait for Anya to tell me about her meeting (Y/n)."
"Actually (Y/n), would you like to come over for dinner? Maybe you could meet my papa and ask him about his work."
Loid is once again shocked at the forwardness of his daughter.
"Oh um..."
"I'm sorry. I don't know why you were crying so I can't say if you should come. It was just an offer."
The (h/c) smiles softly. "Thank you Anya. I'll come tonight. What's your address?"

After classes Anya comes home and finds Loid making dinner.
"Hi papa! Where is mama?" Anya greets, looking around.
"She should be home soon. She called to tell me she was running a bit late."
"Oh, ok."
"How did school go today?"
"It was boring." She responds honestly.
The blonde sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Anything fun happen?"
"Why isn't she telling me about (Y/n)? Isn't she coming over in a couple minutes?" Loid thinks, confused.
"Oh yeah. Papa I invited someone over. She's an older girl I found crying at school."

Before the father can remark there is a knock at the door.
Anya opens the door and smiles. "Hi mama!"
"Hello Anya. Is this a friend of yours? I met her on my way up."
"No. She's a girl I found crying at school."
"Oh. Sweetheart why were you crying?" Yor frowns and pets the girl's hair.
(Y/n) looks away and plays with the hem of her sweater.
"Please come in everyone. Dinner is almost ready." Loid tries to remedy the situation.

"Loid dinner smells amazing. I'm sorry I was late and I couldn't make dinner."
"That's ok mama." Anya quickly assures, remembering the last time Yor tried cooking.
Both her and her father couldn't stomach whatever concoction she created.
"I'm sorry for intruding. I know it must be strange. I am older than Anya after all." (Y/n) mumbles and rubs her arm.
"I told her she should talk to papa."
"You wish to be my patient I presume?"
"I don't know. My parents might be cross if they found out."
Loid thinks of different ways to go about this.
"You could keep it a secret." Anya offers, looking at (Y/n). "Like you could tell your parents you're studying at a friend's house."
"Anya lying to her parents wouldn't be good. If she really wants to be a patient she needs to talk to her parents about it first." Yor immediately shuts the idea down.

(Y/n) goes quite and looks away.
"Unless they are the problem." Loid comments, noticing her behavior.
Yor frowns and looks between the girl and her husband.
"We don't have to talk about it right now. If you wish to talk to me I'd be happy to see you at my office whenever you're free. We can just enjoy dinner for now."
"Thank you sir. Dinner is delicious by the way. Between us I think it's better than my family chef."
"I'm flattered. Maybe I could come to your house and give the chef some tips." Loid jokes and laughs softly.
"If I get into her house then maybe I can talk to her parents directly. Maybe I should consult with Handler first."

Anya looks between Loid and (Y/n).
"He's very handsome. Anya doesn't look like either of her parents though. I wonder why. I don't think I could spill my guts to a man I find so attractive. Maybe I should decline and thank them profusely for dinner and apologize profusely while I'm at it."
Anya gasps internally at the mention of the girl finding her father attractive. She gets flashbacks to Fiona fighting Yor over Loid.
Now everyone is conflicted and confused.
Although poor Yor is just confused and feels bad for (Y/n).

Once everyone is finished with dinner and dessert Loid offers to take (Y/n) home.
"Good idea. She shouldn't walk home alone this late." Yor agrees and smiles softly.
"Goodbye Anya." (Y/n) mumbles and waves then walks away.
Anya waves silently.
"I hope you don't find it uncomfortable to be alone with me. I swear I won't pull anything scandalous. I am a gentleman after all."
"I apologize sir. I am used to...creeps. Although you seem very kind and..."
Loid frowns and looks at the girl in his passenger seat. "Something wrong?"

(Y/n) grips her skirt tightly. "I don't think it would be wise to have your help."
"I am a professional (Y/n). If it would make you feel more comfortable I could talk to your parents directly and explain everything."
"No! Please don't." She exclaims then whispers.
"Have they done something to you?"
"It's not them."
"Then they should be notified right away that someone else is hurting you."
"You don't understand. I can't talk to you because-" She keeps cutting herself off.

Loid pulls over, turns the car off and looks at the girl with a serious expression.
Tears stream down her cheeks.
"I think you're extremely handsome. I can't tell you my problems because I'm ashamed and I don't want you to know what's wrong with me."
The agent frowns and looks away. "I'm terribly sorry." He whispers and starts the car. "I could recommend you to another doctor. They might be able to help you more than I can anyways."
"I'm sorry." (Y/n) whispers and pulls her legs to her chest.
"Don't apologize. I shouldn't have pushed you. I am the one who should be sorry. Please forgive me."

Once they arrive at her home Loid parks the car.
(Y/n) looks at the large building in front of her.
"You can come to the office at any time if you want to. You can talk to me anytime too. Don't think anything of it."
"It was a crazy coincidence that Anya brought me for dinner tonight. Mr. Forger I suspect we will never see each other again. I apologize once again, for everything."
Loid opens his mouth to rebuttal but her actions shock him.
(Y/n) kisses his cheek, gets out of the car and runs to her door.
Her hands grip her school bag tightly as she cries softly.

The agent sits there stunned for a bit before sighing.
"So much for meeting her parents, so much for my plans, so much for...helping her." He trails off and frowns sadly.
She's struggling and now he can't help her.
Loid drives back home and walks in.
"Are you ok Loid?" Yor asks softly, putting her hand in his arm.
He opens his mouth to lie but a small sigh replaces it.
Yor frowns when he shakes his head and walks to his room.
Loid leans against his door and tears stream down his cheeks. "Dammit. I made her cry."

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