Tengen Uzui

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Tengen lives his life being flashy, living life to the fullest.
Only being 23 and a man who could die at any moment helps of course.
(Y/n) is a woman nearly twice his age and keeps to herself.
Her quiet lifestyle has kept her secluded and shy to new people. She's kind but she doesn't have any friends.
While Tengen goes to the entertainment district to have fun and party (Y/n) will sit in her garden and read.

Tengen was just passing through the village (Y/n) lives in when he saw her. He was instantly infatuated with her beauty.
(Y/n) walks down the wooded path toward her house, admiring the flowers she got from the woman who runs a fruit stand.
Tengen walks up and (Y/n) is startled.
Her eyes widen and she backs up into a tree.
"My name is Uzui, Tengen Uzui."
"The Hashira? What are you doing here?"
"I was just passing through but you've caught my eye. You're very beautiful."
(Y/n) blushes but frowns and looks away. "Don't be silly. An old crone such as me couldn't be considered beautiful."

Tengen frowns at her low self-esteem. "How old are you?"
(Y/n) turns back to him. "How old do you think I am?"
"Honestly? I thought you were around my age, maybe 25."
"Well thank you darling. Unfortunately I am already 40."
The man's eyes crinkle with a large smile. "What luck I have."
(Y/n) looks at him confused.
His personality and actions are definitely overwhelming her at the moment.
She wants nothing more than to run and hide.

He noticed.
(Y/n) starts shaking slightly and looking around nervously.
His expression turns relaxed and he smiles kindly.
"I'm sorry for my boldness. I'm used to being flamboyant all the time. I can see I've made you uncomfortable. Please forgive me."
(Y/n) looks into his eyes and blushes again.
His sincerity makes her heart clench.
"I apologize as well. I'm not used to interacting with strangers, especially outgoing ones. I don't do good with...Nevermind."
"May I have the honor of having tea with you at your home? I could use a break and you're the only person I know in this village."

(Y/n) looks his body over and her eyes widen.
How did she not notice until now?
He's bleeding and bruised.
"Oh heavens! I have to tend to your injuries. Please come with me. I wouldn't want you to get worse."
Tengen was surprised when she grabs his hand and runs back to her home.
(Y/n) slams her basket on the table and pushes him into a chair then rushes off to find her medical supplies.
The white haired man takes the opportunity to laugh quietly and look around the room.

When she comes back (Y/n) kneels in front of him but he notices her shaking hands.
Tengen smiles and starts asking her questions.
She frowns but answers them while she sows and bandages.
He watches her calmly patch him up now that her mind is clear and focused on something else.
Plus he's getting to know her.
Which is definitely making him fall for her more.
As she finishes and stands he holds her hand.
"Thank you." He whispers softly.
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "I'll go make the tea."
Once she's gone Tengen stands and looks around more.
Lots of books, flowers and in one room papers all over the place.
He bends down to see what is on the pages.

"Diary entry 1: Papa and I saw a Hashira today. I don't know his name but he was strong. Diary, do you think if I tried I could be a Hashira when I get older? I can't use any powers but I'm sure I could. Nah never mind! I'm ok here with papa."

"Diary entry 3,650: I will never be a Hashira now. But that's ok. I don't do good with people. Too shy and insecure. Flowers are my only companions and I like it that way. Diary, does that mean I'm gonna die single? I hope not."

"Diary entry 6,570: I am 23 years old and I've come to realize I will die single and alone. It's not awful, just lonely. Papa has died and left me with the flower stand but it keeps me busy. I can talk to the people who visit the stand but it's still a struggle some days. Diary, I wish I could at least have one boyfriend. Maybe someone who is quiet like me but maybe someone who is outgoing too. Like he'll see how I'm feeling and act accordingly. Would that be nice? I don't know."

Tengen grabs the paper on her desk and sees it's today's date.
"This is my final entry. I am now 40 and I didn't think I'd make it this far. Unfortunately after today I won't be alive anymore. I started this diary when I was five and I wrote something every day, even when I thought I had nothing to say or at least nothing new. I'm still useless and reclusive. I think it's finally time to end my loneliness. I got a coffin and a small mausoleum in the backyard. If I take some sleeping medication and close the lid no one would be the wiser. Well until they read this entry or found my body. But who knows how long that will take. Goodbye Diary. Thank you for being my friend."

Tears stream down Tengen's cheeks as he reads.
"Flowers and papers as your only companions. Alone for so long." He whispers to himself.
A creak in the floorboard makes him turn slowly.
The two make eye contact but she quickly looks away when she sees what he's holding.
"The tea is done." She whispers and walks away.
Tengen follows and sits back in his chair.
(Y/n) hands him a cup and he drinks it.
"Delicious," he whispers.
Neither spoke as they enjoyed the tea.

Finally (Y/n) opens her mouth to speak but the Hashira cuts her off.
"I do apologize for reading them."
"It's ok."
"I know you do not like someone who is forward but allow me to once more."
(Y/n) looks at him confused while he kneels in front of her.
"I wish for us to be together. I was enraptured by your beauty but now I know more about you and it only makes me want you more."

(Y/n) blushes deeply and puts her hand over her chest. "What? Me?"
"Of course you! I have three wives already but you are not like any of them. I want you but I would never force you. I also know you need time, not only to think my offer over but to meet the other three. For now it could be just you and me. Then we can introduce you slowly."
Her eyes widen at the mention of his wives.
They both know her mind is reeling from the offer so he gently puts his hand on hers.
His kind expression makes her calm down.
"Surely you don't want a woman my age. What would people think?"
"I don't care about that, none of us do. I come from a long line of polygamists. The more wives I have the more my clan can flourish. I don't have any heirs yet but I'm sure you and I could have beautiful and strong children. Once you're ready of course."

She didn't know it was possible but her face burned scarlet even darker.
The information overload was getting the better of her.
Tengen laughs quietly and stands up. "Don't give up on your life. Give it to me and I will make it prosper from now until the day I die. I will love you wholly and faithfully. My only requirement is that you come back to me every day. Put your life and safety above all."
Finally (Y/n) laughs as tears stream down her cheeks.
He holds his hand out to her and she takes it.
(Y/n) stands and kisses him.
Tengen smiles and kisses back.

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