Ranpo "nap"

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(Y/n) walks past her boyfriend with a fruit by the foot hanging out of her mouth.
"Are you gonna share?" Ranpo mumbles, looking up from his crime scene photos.
"You won't come to bed, so no."
"Then come join me...and let me have a bite."
(Y/n) gladly sits next to her detective boyfriend and he takes a large bite from the other end.
"Normally you don't wait up for me." He mumbles and cleans his glasses.
"I know but I've been missing you lately. This case is really bugging you so I didn't want to bother you, but I'm just..."
Ranpo frowns and looks at her. "Sorry," he mumbles.

(Y/n) smiles and finishes her snack. "It's ok. I'll just stay awake with you. Then when you decided to go to bed we can cuddle."
"If you insist." He responds then goes back to work.
She kisses his cheek and plays on her phone.
Eventually she gets bored and puts her phone away.
He smiles slightly as she leans against him, watching him work.
Although as the hours pass she began to get tired, her head falling onto his shoulder.
He looks down at her and frowns. "I'm sorry cupcake." He whispers and stands up.
(Y/n) would have fallen over if he didn't lift her onto his back and carry her to their bed.

Once he lays her on the bed he tucks her in.
(Y/n) whines softly and grabs his sleeve. "Don't leave me."
Ranpo's eyes widen as he looks down at his girlfriend.
"Just for a little while." She whispers and her grip tightens.
The brunette smiles softly and kisses her forehead. "Just a small nap."
He takes off his cloak and gets comfortable next to her.
She immediately curls into his chest, gripping his shirt. "Love you."
"I love you too cupcake."

What was supposed to be a 15 minute nap, which normally Ranpo does, turns into an all-nighter.
Come morning the couple wakes up, very disoriented.
The detective looks around, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" He mumbles with a raspy voice.
(Y/n) looks at her alarm clock. "It's morning." She responds, just as groggy.
"Damn. I wasn't supposed to be here all night."
The woman frowns and turns her back to him. "I'm sorry. This is my fault."
Guilt punches his gut.
"It's fine cupcake. I'm glad I got to spend time with you."
"But I-"
"It's ok. I've got time to work on it later. For now I just wanna hold you. Maybe I can pawn off the work to Atsushi or Junichiro."
She giggles and curls into him again.

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