Satoru Gojo

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Gojo puts his hands in his pockets and looks down at the child at his feet.
(Y/n) smiles cutely and sits on Gojo's foot.
"She likes you Satoru." Geto comments and chuckles quietly.
"Why is she hanging on me? Who does she belong to?" The white haired man mumbles.
"She doesn't belong to anyone anymore. But I think you should take care of her. She hasn't liked anyone else."
"Well I'm pretty sure all the ladies love me so I'm not surprised."
Geto rolls his eyes. "Sure Satoru."
"But I definitely can't take care of her."
"(Y/n) do you want him to be your new daddy?"
The girl smiles widely and nods quickly.

Gojo obviously didn't keep (Y/n) but he checks in on her frequently.
(Y/n) was upset but she enjoys when he visits her.
Although after a while Gojo began to feel different.
He felt protective of her and he developed a fatherly instinct.
Geto stayed quiet and enjoyed from the sidelines.
(Y/n) could excitedly hold up a love letter from a random classmate to Geto and Gojo would run over, grab it and read it.
Then he would tear it up. (Thankfully she read it first)
Geto would pinch the bridge of his nose. "Gojo why would you do that?"
"Because no boy is good enough for her...and she knows it. Right (n/n)?"
The girl smiles widely and nods. "Totally."
Secretly she frowns and looks at Geto.

Gojo sighs softly as he listens to boring meeting business, grateful for when it ends.
(Y/n) walks over to the white haired man. "Um can I ask you something?"
Gojo looks down and smiles. "Sure."
"Can we go out for dinner tonight. I have something to ask you."
"Oh sure! That sounds great. I could use a break from the old geezers here."
The girl smiles and skips off.
The sorcerer quickly finds his friend. "Geto, she wants to have dinner and ask me something. Do you think she wants to ask me to go out with her? She's just a child."
"Exactly. She's a child Satoru. She's not going to ask you out. Not everyone wants to get in your pants, let alone date you." Geto counters and shakes his head.

When the two get to the restaurant they are seated and order their food.
Gojo looks around then at the envelope (Y/n) has with her.
"I'm sorry if this is out of the blue."
"It's ok. I've got nothing planned today."
"I thought today was the best day to ask you this. It's important to me and I hope you agree."
"I'm sure I will."
"I know what happened to my parents."
The sorcerer frowns and opens his mouth but closes it.
"It's ok. But today is Father's Day."
"Oh I didn't even realize. I need to go see Megumi." He mumbles the last part to himself.

"Anyways I"
Gojo takes the envelope she shoves at him.
(Y/n) bites her lip roughly and immediately takes long drinks of her soda.
Blue eyes widen at the sight of adoption papers.
"You've been good to me and I think of you as my new father. I know it hasn't been long, I know your life is dangerous but I...I love you. I want you to be my papa, even if it's just on paper. I chose you."
The young man's heart clenches and his fists clench slightly.
At first he holds back his tears but eventually they fall.
(Y/n) smiles and holds out a pen. "I know it's not fair to you. But please let me be selfish this one time."

Slowly Gojo takes the pen and signs the papers.
"If you can accept the consequences I will accept your offer."
(Y/n) let's her own tears stream down her cheeks.
"Happy Father's Day (Y/n)."
"Happy Father's Day papa. I love you so much." She whispers and sniffles.
The waiter brings out their food and looks between the two. He doesn't ask questions though and walks away.
The two enjoy their meal and give Geto the news once they finish.
Geto wasn't surprised (Y/n) asked but he was surprised Gojo agreed. He wasn't going to saying anything though.
The three continue a happy life...that is until everything when south.

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