Kento Nanami

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During the summer it gets hot, so (Y/n) prefers sleeping with minimal clothing.
Just a tank top and panties.
The blanket is draped over her lower half and the fan is blowing gently.
Her boyfriend doesn't mind, feeling the same, sleeping in only boxers and a tank top.
Although they don't like the heat the fan provides reason to cuddle at night.
Although last night is particularly hot so during the night (Y/n) takes off her clothes and the blankets.
Nanami remains asleep until morning.

Just as the sun is rising the dim light is enough for the blonde to see his girlfriend.
Her naked body grinds back into him.
His cock is already hard and the sight of her body turns him on more.
Nanami could tell she's still asleep so he decided to give her a nice wake up call.
His arm wraps around her waist and his fingers rub gentle circles on her clit.
A small whimper exits (Y/n)'s lips and her hips roll.
"That's it baby." He whispers in her ear.

His hips roll so his clothed boner rubs against her ass.
Kento rubs his fingers down her slit and dips two inside before slowly rubbing again.
Her hips buck into his hand when his thumb begins rubbing her clit and fingers thrust in and out.
(Y/n) chants his name quietly between soft panting.
The sorcerer carefully moves his other arm under her and massages her breasts, pinching her nipples.
His mouth attacked her sweet spot, leaving marks.
All the stimulation pushes her over the edge and she moans loudly while cumming all over his fingers.

"Are you awake darling?" Nanami asks quietly.
Due to her panting heavily she nods in response.
"Did you get too hot? You could've turned the fan higher."
Finally she gets her breathing back to normal and smiles softly.
"It's ok. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, but you definitely caused a problem in my pants."
(Y/n) looks down and giggles softly. "I'm sorry darling."
"Don't worry. You'll be taking care of it."

Nanami positions his girlfriend and she blushes deeply.
"This is so embarrassing Kento." The woman mumbles quietly.
"That's the point darling. With your thighs spread like this you wouldn't be able to close them even if you wanted to. You're going to take me all darling and watch in the mirror. We're gonna watch you ride my cock and maybe I'll see your tummy bulge too."
(Y/n) blushes even more.
"Not to mention I'm gonna make you squirt so hard you see white."
The (h/c) covers her face from embarrassment.
Nanami grabs her hands and removes them, expertly shoving his cock inside her.

(Y/n) moans softly and arches her back.
At first he slowly slides in until he's balls deep.
"Look darling, I was right."
The woman looks in the mirror and can just barely see the bulge from his massive cock.
Her thighs clench around his, wanting nothing more than to hide herself.
Unfortunately Kento has other plans.
His hips buck up while his right hand moves to rub her clit.
The stimulation makes her moan louder.
The hand his was holding now moves to squeeze his wrist while it works.

Her head tips back into his shoulder, once in a while falling forward and watches the mirror.
Slowly his thrusts get harder and deeper, hitting the right spot insider.
As she gets closer to release her thighs shake and clamp around his legs, begging to close.
Nanami moves his other hand to assure her legs stay in place.
"K-Kento~ please..." she begs weakly, not being able to form a coherent sentence.
"Look at you darling. So open and beautiful. Rub yourself for me while I choke you."
Slowly her shaking hand moves down to replace his.
His hand squeezes her throat and her vision blurs.

Her moans get louder and his groans are music to her ears.
Her hand movements are sloppy but it's still overwhelming.
The sound of his hips pounding hers echo in her ears.
Soon (Y/n) is watching him ruthlessly fuck her and it sends her over the edge.
Unfortunately for her he doesn't stop at one.
Round after round makes her scream and whimper and eventually she sees white, blacking out for a bit.

Kento finally pulls out; (Y/n) leaking all over his lap and the bed.
The woman pants heavily as her legs shake violently and she collapses onto the bed.
The blonde walks away but comes back with a wet towel to clean up. "Are you okay?" He asks quietly, moving hair out of her face.
Her dark blush slowly goes away as she nods.
Her words aren't quite back yet.
Nanami lays next to her and holds her close. "I love you (Y/n)." He whispers softly, petting her hair.
"I love you too Kento." She whispers back into his chest.
Their legs tangle together and they rest for a while in each others arms.

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