Buddy Daddies

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(Y/n) rubs her large bump and smiles softly. "I can't wait for you to meet your papa. He's handsome and kind and smart. Oh and your uncles are pretty cool too."
Kazuki sighs as he walks toward the cafe. "Kyu is gonna kill me isn't he? Maybe he'll be understanding if I say Miri..."
The blonde trails off seeing a pregnant woman walking toward him.
Flashbacks flood his mind and he clenches his fists.
"Oh hello Kazuki."
The assassin looks at the woman confused. "How do you know who I am?"
"Kyutaro used to tell me about you and Rei all the time. I'm glad I'm finally meeting you."
"You must be a good friend of his if he's told you about me and Rei. Also congratulations on the baby."
"Thank you. Kyu and I were...best friends growing up. But we grew apart these last few years. Except now I have a reason to be close to him again."

Kazuki watches her rub her belly. "Kyu is great with kids. He's really helped me and Rei out with our daughter Miri."
"Oh congratulations. You two probably make wonderful and fun papas."
"Kyu got on our case at first because our jobs are dangerous but now we know it's all worth it."
"I hope he feels the same. After all, our baby is due soon and I really want his help raising it."
The blonde stops walking and his eyes and widen. "Excuse me? You're having Kyu's baby?"
"Yeah. I've been keeping it a secret till I was close to the due date, in case something happened. We stopped talking after the night we conceived. He said it was for the best and to keep me safe. Things are different now though. He's gonna be a father and he deserves to know."

Kazuki opens the cafe door and lets her walk in first.
Rei and Miri are sitting at the bar drinking orange sodas.
"Welcome to..." The shop owner trails off and his eyes widen.
"Hello darling. Have you missed me?"
"(N/n) what are you doing here?"
"I needed to see you. We needed to hear your voice." (Y/n) rubs her bump and tears well in her eyes.
Kyu's eyes widen in horror. "It's mine?"
"Yeah. I'm due next week Thursday."
Slowly the shop owner walks to the woman and puts his hands on her stomach.

"I didn't know you have a girlfriend Kyu. Good for you," Rei mumbles.
"Hi papa Kazuki. Is she gonna have a baby?" Miri asks and points to (Y/n).
"Yes she is. Her and Kyu are gonna be parents."
"You can't stay here (n/n). It's too dangerous."
"I'm not leaving you again. I left the first time because you begged me to stay safe. This time I can't, even if you begged me. I want us to raise them together. Come what may."
Kyu leans his forehead against hers and holds her waist. "I love you. I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt."

"Kyu, you've been there for Rei and I. We can help you if you need us." Kazuki offers and looks at his partner.
The raven haired man nods in agreement.
(Y/n) smiles and looks from the assassins to her baby daddy.
Kyutaro sighs but smiles softly. "If you promise to stay out of trouble and do as I say. If I say run, you run, if I say leave me, you leave me. Got it?"
The woman frowns and opens her mouth.
"I will not let anyone hurt you but I need to know you'll do what it takes to keep them safe."
"I understand." She whispers weakly.
Her eyes squeeze shut and she buries her face in his chest.
Kyu smiles and holds her close. He kisses the top of her head and rubs her back.

The following week (Y/n) is helping watch Miri while her papas are out on a job.
Kyu is hesitant since he knows she is due soon but agrees if she calls him if anything were to happen.
So when her water breaks she cries out in pain but manages to tell Miri to call Kyu.
"Miri is that you?"
"Uncle Kyu? Auntie (Y/n) is on the floor crying."
"What happened?!" He yells into the phone.
"She said something about the baby."
"The baby? Miri hang up and call 119 and tell them (Y/n) is in labor. They'll come get her. I'll meet you at the hospital."
"Ok uncle Kyu." Miri hangs up and calls the ambulance.

When Miri hangs up the phone she calls Kazuki.
"(Y/n) is something wrong? Did Miri-"
"Papa Kazuki (Y/n) is in labor."
"Labor!? Did you call uncle Kyu or an ambulance?"
"Yeah they're on their way."
The blonde can hear the woman crying in the background. "Rei we need to hurry this mission up and get to the hospital. Miri I need you to be a good girl ok? Do whatever the paramedics say until we get to the hospital."
"Ok papa! I love you."
"We love you too Miri." Kazuki hangs up and the two do their best to finish and not fuck up.

Once the paramedics arrive (Y/n) is on her hands and knees.
Miri is next to her, rubbing her back.
"Ma'am are you doing ok?" One of the men inquires, rushing over with his partner and a gurney.
"Auntie is in pain. Please help her."
"Let's get her on and out. Is there a partner we should contact?"
"We already did. She has to come with us." (Y/n) manages to say, pointing to the child.
"Ok, we will."
Miri gets to ride in the back with (Y/n) and holds her hand, a little nervous and scared regarding the situation.

Hours pass, Kyu remaining by her side.
The other three are asleep in the waiting room.
Obviously two of them are sleep deprived and the other is a bored child.
Finally when (Y/n) can begin pushing she squeezes Kyutaro's hand and cries out in pain.
His mind races in both horror and excitement.
Although he can focus on the woman and their baby he can't help worrying someone might burst in and try to kill them.
That had been his worst nightmare since he met (Yn), someone taking her away from him.
Loud crying catches his attention and he looks at the doctor.
"You have a girl." He informs and looks up at the father.

Kyu cuts the cord and they clean the baby up before putting her on (Y/n)'s chest.
The woman pants heavily but holds her baby.
The baby stops crying and hiccups.
Kyu smiles as tears well in his eyes. "She's beautiful." He whispers and pets (Y/n)'s head gently.
"I love you so much." She whispers, looking up at her baby daddy.
"I love you too." He whispers back and kisses her forehead.
Rei and Kazuki walk in, the ladder holding Miri.
"Hey you two."
"What did you have?" Rei asks, peaking at the baby.
Kyu smiles at the two. "A girl."
"Congratulations. We're happy for you." Kazuki walks over and sets Miri down.
(Y/n) smiles weakly and leans into Kyu.
He rubs her arm and holds her close.

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