Rejuvenation potion

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Vincent sighs and walks to the bar counter in his mansion. He takes a seat on a random stool before shutting his eyes close. Suddenly, a faint fragrance of alcohol assails his nostrils. The ravenette opens his eyes at the sweet scent and spots a glass filled with vodka, Bloody Mary, his favorite.

He smiles slightly, thinking that Draco probably made this for him. Vincent takes the glass and takes a small sip before gulping the whole cup down, letting the liquid run down his throat and heats his cold body. It's sweet yet with a hint of bitterness, not too watery, and not too dry. It's perfect. Vincent also adores the faint taste of fresh blood on his tastebuds.

After a while, a strange feeling surges inside of him and fills up his entire body. It's not bad but... strange... Vincent starts to lose his focus, he tries to hold back a small yawn but failed.

'Maybe I should take a rest...'




Vincent blinks and stares at his reflection in a mirror that Draco just gave him. He's... a child again. He touches his cheek with a horrified expression, his hand trembling as he does so. He pinches his cheek harshly which makes him whimper in pain. He's a child and a human again.

Draco is a bit shocked by this but he quickly recovers himself and brings Vincent some smaller clothes since he can't fit his suit anymore. Just a slightly oversized hoodie and shorts. Vincent never thought that he would have to wear a hoodie at all but... emergency time so who cares?

Victor keeps on laughing when he sees Vincent's new form and keeps on pinching his cheek while cooing at him like a mother toward her children. Vincent blushes at this in embarrassment and slaps his hands away or just bites his fingers in annoyance.

Vincent tries to drink more alcohol, hoping to forget this weird experience but Draco declines with a stern "You're a child now, Vincent. Children can't drink alcohol" before walking away, taking the bottle along with him. This action results in Vincent almost bursting into tears and making Draco feels bad, so he gives him a lollipop. Vincent feels flustered by this treat but still accepts this anyway.

Monsieur M heard this information from Victor and can't help but laugh. Vanora is just there, a bit shocked, and got no idea what to do, but she quickly decides to tease Vincent a bit with Draco. Claude and Winston don't give a fuck but they still pity the poor man/boy.

Jon, the lost cousin of Vincent (jk), also decides to see Vincent and gives him some dessert after laughing the shit out of him. Albert also laughs, they're both little shit. Albert keeps on coaxing Vincent to give him a hug but Vincent gives him a slap on the face instead. Albert decides to whine about this to Taylor. Taylor sighs and ignores him while just treating Vincent the same as aways, but a bit more protective and careful.

Seven hours later, Vincent turns back!

Vincent then punches Victor and Albert in the face while scolding them harshly.

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