Chapter 2

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"Hey Leaha," my cousin, Patrick, said. He got up from where he was laying on the bed and grinned at me.

"Hi! Leaha! Hi!" My other cousin and younger brother of Patrick, Jeffrey, said excitedly and sprang up from his spot, giving me a hug.

"What the heck," I managed to splutter, lurching back and almost falling from Jeffrey's hug.

"We're staying here for the summer," Patrick said.

"Just the two of you?"

"There's three of us, actually."

"I wasn't talking to you, Hunter," I snapped, turning to the last boy that was still laying down.

Hunter, who technically was my cousin but not by blood, annoyed the heck out of me. I only saw him twice a year, for Patrick and Jeffrey's birthday parties. Sometimes, my aunt and uncle had bonfires during the winter and there was a rare occurrence that I would see him there too.

There was only one time that we had actually gotten along and we had been seven, in the sandbox, building a castle together. That was until one of the Labrador Retrievers ruined it and there went our 'good' moment. We've continued to hate each other for the past few years, and it was total torture that he was here-- at my Grandparents'-- for however long.

"Wow," Hunter said, "what a way to be welcoming."

He is so obnoxious.

"You're leaving after a few days, right," I questioned, glancing at him cautiously.

"No, actually. I'm staying here for the whole summer," Hunter smirked and looked at me as if waiting for me to snap at him.

I totally wanted to, but I refrained from it and instead huffed out, "Whatever."

"It's true, Leaha," said Patrick. "Our parents are going on a trip and they're letting us stay here for the summer."

I looked at Patrick incredulously, "For the whole summer? That's a long trip."

"Well," Patrick shook his head, "not for the whole summer. Grammy offered to let us stay for the whole time, and our parents said we could."

"Yeah," Hunter piped in, "So you're stuck with me this summer."

I glared at him, "Your parents must be so desperate to get you out of the house. They're probably annoyed by your stupidness."

"I'm actually very smart- smarter than you I bet."

I scoffed. "As if. I bet you couldn't even-"

"Oh! Leaha, I forgot to tell you earlier about Patrick, Jeffrey and Hunter. They're staying here for the summer." My grandma, who had suddenly appeared behind me, exclaimed.

"Yeah..." I said, trying not to grimace, "You forgot to mention that..."

"Well then," Hunter said, "I feel welcomed."

I rolled my eyes and scowled, "Just stop."

My grandma looked at us both before smiling and saying, "I was just about to cook dinner. Leaha, would you like to help?"

I grinned, "Sure! I do make some mean mashed potatoes."

My grandma laughed, "Alrighty then. You're lucky I have some of that mix left."

"Grammy," Hunter ventured, "May I help with dinner too?"

The smile fell off my face and I froze. "Excuse me," I said.

"Well of course," my grandma answered brightly, "the more the merrier! In fact, why don't you and Leaha cook dinner tonight!"

I swear I almost died. Me, cook dinner with Hunter? Did my grandma want the house to get burned or messed up beyond repair?

My Cousin in the Summer Where stories live. Discover now