Chapter 14

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The whole mall was crowded with people as Grammy and I entered. I smiled weakly at her and said, "thanks for having girls' day?"

Grammy heaved a sigh before shrugging. "Anytime, but there is a lot of people here."

"We can manage," I insisted and to prove my point, headed over to one of the stores. It was packed, almost like everybody was squished like a can of sardines. I backed out, stumbling past a mannequin and hurrying back to Grammy.

"They're vicious," I hissed and Grammy laughed.

"Are you sure we can manage?" She asked and I nodded vigorously.

"To the bookstore!" I announced, "but first, Starbucks!"

Grammy chuckled and sighed, "you and your coffee, Leaha..."

We made our way to the Starbucks in the mall and I instantly stepped into the long line. No matter how many minutes I would have to wait, I was getting my Starbucks. End of story.

"Leaha," Grammy said, "why don't you tell me what you want and you can go to the bookstore?"

"But-" I began, feeling weirdly guilty, but Grammy cut me off.

"It's okay, Leaha," she said reassuringly, "go on. See if you can find another book."

I sighed in defeat, reluctantly telling her what I wanted before going to my favorite place in the world. I will most definitely buy Grammy something because of this.

Upon entering the bookstore, I was greeted with almost little to no people. I was shocked.

Two stories high, the upper level dedicated for young adult and adult fiction as well as historical fiction and a bunch of different genres and the bottom level for children and miscellaneous knick knacks, the place should've been packed. Normally, not even on a day when the mall was this crowded, at least upstairs was packed.

Shrugging, I got to the escalator and stepped on, watching as I got closer to the books. When I was on the level, I instantly began looking around. Then, I saw it.

I hurried to the bookshelf where another copy of my book that got damaged was propped. How the bookstore got more copies was beyond me, yet I took this chance to grab it.


I stopped, my hand barely inches away from the book. Disappointment rushed through me as I caught sight of Grammy by the escalator.

"Yes?" I answered, looking back at the book.

"Come on, we need to get to Bath and Body Works before they close early today," she said, and I guess she saw me continue to look at the book because a moment later, she sighed.

"We can come back after Bath and Body," she said, "I promise."

I reluctantly began stepping away from the shelf. It was the last one, the very last one. But maybe, considering how many few people were milling about, the book could still be on the shelf.

Just maybe.

I went down the escalator, following Grammy as we exited the bookstore and walked to Bath and Body Works.

"Oh my God," I mumbled, taking in the long queue of people just waiting to get in. This was going to be a nightmare...

"See," Grammy pointed out, "at least we got there in enough time!"

I sighed, pulling out another piece of flaky soap from my hair. We were the last ones able to get into the store and it was pure chaos. We were lucky to get out alive.

Now, Grammy was taking me back to the bookstore. I was at least a step ahead of her and was eager to go and find the book. Finally we were there and I took off sprinting inside.

Rushing up the escalator, I ran to the shelf where the book was. I swallowed, just standing there and I heard Grammy set down the Bath and Body Works bag as she stood behind me.

"It's gone," I whispered, and turned around to face Grammy, crestfallen.

"Oh, Leaha," she sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"I-it's okay..."

"Maybe you can ask if there are going to be any more copies?"

I shrugged, it was worth a shot. Going back down the escalator to Customer Services, I felt a premonition rising up in my gut. This wasn't going to be good, I could already tell.

The woman at the round counter was obnoxiously chewing her gum, paging through a magazine and looking incredibly bored. She had a piercing on her lip and her eyeliner was smudged so much, it looked like she was doing drug business.

"Um, excuse me." I coughed, trying to get her attention. I got closer to the desk and peered at the computer. It wasn't even on.

The woman didn't even look up from her magazine as she snapped, "what?"

I narrowed my eyes at her and said darkly, "I was curious to know if there are going to be anymore shipments for the limited edition of that nineteen-hundreds book anytime soon?"


"You didn't even look," I snapped.

"I don't have to, I work here not you." She said haughtily.

"I bet that if I did, then I'd do a way better job than you. All you're doing is reading a magazine and refusing to help anybody. It's a wonder you're not fired."

The woman instantly looked at me, glaring. "What do you know," she hissed, "you're just a stupid little-"

I turned away from her abruptly. I didn't want to hear crap thrown at my face from a complete stranger. Exiting the bookstore, I found Grammy waiting outside.

"What did they say?" She asked as we began walking back to the car.

Not wanting to tell her how rude the lady was, I replied with, "they don't know yet."

"Oh," Grammy said, "well we can check back another time?"

I sighed, "I guess so."




After leaving the mall, Grammy drove to an old, rustic drive-in theater as a special treat. There we saw a movie from the fifties and afterward, went to Chick-Fil-A for a late lunch. Aside from the Bookstore Bitch, the day had been very entertaining.

Heading over to my room to go to bed, I turned on the lights inside and made my way to the bed. However, laying on my sheets was a note... And the book.

In shock, I picked up the note and began reading it.


I found your book at the bookstore earlier today. Proud to say I bought it with my own money (and some help from Pa as well). Um, if it's no trouble, I would like to ask if you may come and meet me outside at around midnight? I'll be standing next to the tallest tree on the North side of the property. Thanks?


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