Chapter 4

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I still could not believe what had happened earlier at the Zoo. After the train ride, we had all went to go see the turkeys. There, I had seen Micheal.

"Hey, Leaha," he had said.

I had smiled and told him hi back. That's when Hunter had gotten behind me and asked who Micheal was.

"I'm her friend..." Micheal had replied. I felt sorry for him, he looked awkward standing there with Hunter looming behind me.

"Oh, are you now?" Hunter glared at Micheal, who seemed as if he was trying to find a way out of this situation. I didn't blame him.

"Hunter, shut up," I had snapped and hit him. That was when he had done the most stupidest thing ever.

"Back off," he had told Micheal, "she's my girlfriend."

I swear I was going to murder him right then and there.

"O-oh..." Micheal had looked utterly crestfallen, although he had tried to hide it, "uh.. Well then. I guess I'll see you in high school, Leaha... Have a great summer."

Once Micheal left, I had turned on Hunter and glared at him.

"What the hell," I had snapped, "Why did you do that for? Now I'll never have a chance with him."

Hunter had stared at me in what looked like shock. "You like him?"

"Yeah! I do, and now you've totally ruined it!"

After that, I stopped talking to Hunter entirely. Even now, at my grandparents' house I refused to even look at him. That is, until Patrick suggested Movie Night.

"What were you thinking of watching," my grandma asked, sitting down in her chair with her feet propped up.

"Jaws!" Jeffrey said excitedly.

"How old are you again," Hunter asked, giving Jeffrey a weird glance, "seven right?"

"We've seen it before," boasted Patrick, "Isn't that right Leaha?"

I glanced up from my book for a second before beginning to read again, "Yeah."

Hunter only sighed while my grandma answered Patrick and Jeffrey's pleas, "Go get it then. It's in the closet downstairs by the TV."

They both went, running down the spiral staircase. I heard the closet's doors open roughly and some shoving before the running sounded. The two brothers skirted into the main room and Patrick handed the DVD to Grammy.

She got up from her chair and went to the DVD player, putting in the movie. I laid out on the couch, making sure Hunter wouldn't sit there. Nonetheless, Jeffrey sat on the floor along with Patrick, letting Hunter have the chair next to the couch.


The movie started and everybody got comfortable and quiet. It was fine, right until Jaws attacked the ship stranded in the ocean with the men inside it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hunter shaking slightly and trying to not seem like he was covering his eyes.

Blood stained the ocean water, and I saw Hunter shake ever more slightly. It seemed as if his face had gone pale, yet I couldn't tell because of the dim lighting from the TV. The movie ended shortly thereafter and Grammy took it out, stretching and yawning.

"Well, good night y'all," she said tiredly, "sleep good and don't let the bed bugs pee on you."

"Good night Grammy," I said, "love you."

"Love you Grammy," said Patrick.

Jeffrey echoed his brother and started to his and Patrick's room, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Patrick followed his brother and Grammy went downstairs to her bedroom with Pa. I sneaked a peak at Hunter, who was shooting glances around the room.

Smirking inwardly, I moved behind him and suddenly went forward at his back, stabbing his sides with my hands. He shrieked in a girly like way and spun around, his eyes wide as he shook.

"What the fuck," he cried out. "What the fucking hell was that for?"

I laughed, "are you scared?"

"N-no," he stammered then glared at me, "shouldn't you be scared?"

"I've seen that movie like three times already. Also, I'm a very gory individual so please, just stop being stereotypical or I will plan a more gruesome death for you than I already have."

Hunter narrowed his eyes at me, his eyes like dark, glittering green chips. "You," he spat through clenched teeth, "are a fucking bitch."

I smiled and flipped my brown hair, "I am, aren't I?"

Hunter scowled and gave me a death stare. Wow, looks like he might be sensitive about being scared. Too bad.

"You sure you're not scared," I cooed, grinning. "Do you need your mommy?"

"I am not scared and I never will be." Hunter said sternly, "I'll show you."

I put my hands on my hips and grinned, saying in an old country accent, "Well then, you go on an' 'show me'. Keep in min' that I'll be laughin' the whole time, ya bastard."

Hunter's eyes narrowed to slits and he spat at my feet before turning and going downstairs to the couch. I stared after him for a moment before looking at the floor where his spit was.

"Okay, that was disgusting," I grumbled, stepping over the saliva and walking through the kitchen to reach my room.

I sighed as I plopped down on my bed and pulled the covers over me. I knew for a fact, from tonight, that Hunter was disgusting. Another reason why I will never ever fall for him. Ever.

My Cousin in the Summer Where stories live. Discover now