Chapter 6

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Today marked a week since Hunter and I last spoke to each other. Oddly, nobody had noticed. But that was probably because Patrick and Jeffrey kept bugging Grammy about everything. God, it was annoying.

I had just gotten back from the bookstore- Pa had taken me- and I was super excited to start reading my new book. It was a chicklit, common I know. But it was written by a bunch of different authors, like the book, "21 Proms". I clutched my book excitedly and inwardly squealed as I saw the house coming closer.

Minutes later, Pa parked in the driveway and I hurried up to the door, thinking about what I was going to do. Hm, possibly make some lemonade and curl up on the couch while zoning out Patrick and Jeffrey as they continued to harp like seals. That sounded ideal.

I opened the door and hurried into the kitchen, getting out a glass and lemonade powder. It wasn't until I had just poured water into my glass when I heard a triple amount of feet pounding on the wood floor. Seconds later, in came Patrick, Jeffrey and my other cousin, Samuel.

"Leaha! You're back!" Samuel ran up to me and gave me a huge bear hug. Let's just say that I was his favorite cousin out of everybody else.

"Hey, Samuel," I said, hugging him back, "what are you doing here?"

"Me and Alicia are staying here for a few days. Mom and Dad are on a bike trip with friends."

I nodded, "Cool. Now, please stop hugging me so I can fix my lemonade."

"Oh, right." Samuel reluctantly let go of me but stayed by my side. Damn, this kid stuck to me like velcro.

"Hey, Leaha."

I looked up from my stirring, and saw that my other cousin, Alicia, had come into the kitchen. Patrick, Jeffrey and Samuel ran out, probably going to watch TV in Patrick and Jeffrey's room.

"Hey." I replied, giving my lemonade one last stir before I put the spoon in the sink.

"Getting ready to read a new book, I presume?" She asked, leaning against the marble counter.

I nodded. "Yeah. It's like the book I mentioned to you a few weeks ago- "21 Proms". But it's about camps and stuff."

Alicia murmured a noise of understanding before checking to see that nobody was around then said, "I see that you have to stay here with Hunter for the summer."

I sighed, annoyed. "Yeah... Kill me now."

I proceeded to tell her what had happened between Hunter and I so far. She only interrupted once, which was when I was explaining what occurred at the Zoo.

"Wait, do you think that Hunter was jealous? I mean, after all, he did tell Micheal that you were his girlfriend." Alicia stared at me, curiously, as she said that. She knew all about Micheal- I had told her about him a few months ago. I deem it a blessing as well as a curse, she never failed to make me blush whenever I brought him up.

"That's impossible," I said hotly, drinking some of my lemonade. "He would never get jealous. We hate each other."

Alicia gave me her, 'I-don't-understand-how-you-can-be-so-stupid' look. "Then why did he tell Micheal?"

"There has to be some other explanation than that," I protested. "Hunter does not like me and I don't like him."

My cousin patted me on my arm, "Keep telling yourself that, chica."

I scowled at her. "Piss off. I will never like Hunter. N-E-V-E-R."

Alicia shrugged, "If you say so. But just an FYI: I was thinking on having us do Romeo and Juliet since my parents are coming over for dinner when they come and pick us up."

My Cousin in the Summer Where stories live. Discover now