Chapter 13

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The doorbell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was sitting on the pullout couch, buried under all the blankets and hugging my little teddy bear.

Yes, even a manly man like me can still have a little comforting teddy bear.

I was quiet, sulking basically. Everybody thought I was taking a nap, but in reality, yesterday at the ice cream parlor kept replaying in my mind. It hurt, what Leaha said. It hurt alot.

"Leaha!" I heard Grammy call and I cautiously peeked out from under the covers to see someone at the doorway. Leaha came shortly after and I heard her laugh and say something to the person in the doorway.

God, I loved her laugh.

"Thanks for coming on such a short notice." Leaha began, and I heard her footsteps retreat into the kitchen.

"Thank you for making it seem like we're in a meeting," the person chuckled and I knew then that it was a guy.

"Oh, Kenneth," Leaha laughed and I narrowed my eyes.

Who the fuck was Kenneth?




"Hunter, why are you acting like a mop?" Jeffrey asked, looking at me as I sat on his bed glumly.

"I'm not a mop," I grumbled and Patrick slapped me.

"Stop being an idiot," he snapped, "we can see something's wrong."

"You're only eleven," I said sharply, gritting my teeth, "what do you know about love?"

They were silent and I glared at them, roughly standing up and stomping out of the room. Anger rose up in me, and I felt blinded by rage. Gripping the stair railing until my knuckles turned white, my eyes darted around the expanse of the room.

It wasn't fair. Nothing was fair. She kept pushing me away and ignored my note, not even listening to me when I told her I would buy her a new book. I just didn't understand why she was being so... bitchy. Sure, we've had our stupid arguments but that doesn't mean that she had to be bitchy all the time.


I sighed, letting go of the railing and trying to act calm. Laughing coming from the living room grabbed my attention and I scowled deeply, yet felt a pang of hurt in my heart. Slowly, it was almost as if my heart was breaking into tiny little fragments, and I could do nothing about it. I could only watch.

Later, after I was pretty sure I had busted my eardrums from my music, I was going to the kitchen looking for food. I opened one of the cabinets next to the fridge and started rummaging around.

"Oh my God! Kenneth, stop!"

I froze and gritted my teeth as I heard Leaha and the fucking stupid 'Kenneth' act up in the living room. I angrily grabbed some cereal and turned to the counter where I heard Kenneth mock, "oh my God! Leaha, stop!"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Leaha swat Kenneth on the arm, making him make a face before swatting her back.

That did it.

I slammed the cereal box onto the counter and narrowed my eyes in anger, going to the couch where they were sitting. I was up in Kenneth's face and I was almost leaning on him, yet I had ahold of his polo collar.

"Who," I spat through gritted teeth, "the fuck are you?"

Kenneth looked at me, his eyes wide before he smirked. "Well... I'm Leaha's fuck buddy. We could have a threesome if you want, I always enjoy that."

I choked on my spit, "what?!"

"Hunter!" Leaha exclaimed, putting her arms on me and dragging me off Kenneth. "Stop it!"

I glared at her venomously. "Why should I? He basically says that you two fuck-"

"Hunter," Leaha snapped, "Kenneth's fucking gay, you idiot!"


I looked at Kenneth, who smirked, and then back at Leaha. "What?"

"Yes, I am gay," Kenneth said, "and I sure loved your dick on me."

"Eww," Leaha wrinkled her nose in disgust.

I gave Kenneth a weird look before saying, "so, that's all?"


"I'm also her ex-boyfriend, too."

I glared at him and hissed, "what?"

I turned and glanced at Leaha, who merely shrugged and murmured, "yeah... That's true also..."

My right eye twitched before I huffed angrily and began to walk back into the kitchen when Kenneth ran up behind me and whispered, "fuck me in the ass. Plus, I can tell that you totally dig Leaha. I don't blame you, she's great in bed."


Kenneth winked, "just kidding bro, she's a virgin still... I think."

I sighed, rolling my eyes before going to the kitchen and my cereal box. I shouldn't have made assumptions like that. I was just... paranoid... But even after the revealment, I still kept one eye on her, just in case.




I yawned and scratched my stomach, heading to the upstairs bathroom to brush my teeth.

Kenneth had left earlier, right around four, but oddly, Leaha just gave me the cold shoulder. I had tried approaching her, but all she did was skim her eyes right over me and turn the other way. The only reason why I could think she was doing this, is because of her book.

Why did girls have to hold such long grudges over simple things?

But it isn't a simple thing to Leaha, a small voice echoed in my head. I sighed heavily, beginning to brush my teeth. That was when I got it. An idea.

I quickly finished brushing before sprinting to the living room where Pa was watching TV.

"Hello Hunter," he said, his eyes fixed onto the news that was occuring.

I nodded then said, "Pa, I need you to help me with something... Something important..."


So, do you like it in Hunter's pov? Sorry if it's short, but I tried? :)

Please vote and comment, it means a lot to me!

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