Chapter 17

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"Good morning, sunshine. Up and at'em."

I scowled, turning on my other side. I felt warmth receding from my back as I snuggled my head into my blankets and pillows, but felt it again when I heard, "Leaha, darling, breakfast is ready. And if you don't get up, I'm going to eat yours."

I lifted my head up from its pillow, glaring at the boy beside me. "You pig."

He smiled, "oh, so I can start calling you darling now?"

"No! Hunter," I snapped. "No!"

Hunter sighed, laying back on the pillows with his arms behind his head. "Too bad. Well, what can I call you?"

"Don't call me any names," I answered hotly, springing up from the bed. "And quit being so cocky."

Hunter faked a gasp. "I can't call you my sweet little sunflower poppy?"

"Ugh," I scowled. "No! That's even worse!"

"How? I think it fits you."

"How would you like it if I socked you in the stomach? I think that'll fit you."

"No thank you ma'am," Hunter said quickly, covering his abdomen. "I'd prefer to my my stomach intact please."

I nodded affirmatively. "Good choice Mr. Madison."

I moved towards the door, about to go to the kitchen when I heard him gasp loudly, springing up from the bed and hurrying over to me.


"Before we go eat, I must say that you never gave me a good morning kiss." Hunter proclaimed, blocking my way and smirking as I stared at him in complete shock.

"N-no!" I spluttered, feeling my face heat up, "you don't need a kiss! What is wrong with you?"

Hunter grinned, not replying, and inched his face closer to mine, so that I could feel his breath fluttering across my face. My breath hitched in my throat as the space between us became smaller, and I felt my heart beating loudly against my ribcage as there was only a few centimeters between us now.

This could not be real. He is so close to me... He-

"Leaha! Hunter! Y'alls breakfast is getting cold!"

Almost immediately, Hunter jumped away from me, and I could see frustration glittering in his eyes. I shivered slightly, walking the other way to go to the kitchen. For some unfathomable reason, after that near kiss, I felt... Different. At least, different about him.

I honestly couldn't tell how I felt even after we ate and all I could do was watch the back of his head as he kept turning around to focus on the TV. It was just so surreal that I had let him get that close to me, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I had wanted him to kiss me.

I groaned, trying to burrow myself into the couch. Not even reading could take my mind off what had happened earlier. I need to clear my head.

Bookmarking the page I had been on for the last ten minutes, I raised myself from the couch, slipping on my shoes and exiting the house. As soon as I got outside, I was met with a hot sun beating down on everything in sight and yells of excitement coming from Patrick and Jeffrey from the far side of the property.

Sighing loudly, I skirted my two cousins, going the far way out to the side of the street. I sat down on the asphalt, keeping my feet close to me and watching the occasional car pass by.

It wasn't until after I noticed the sky was tinged with pink, that I had been outside for a majority of the afternoon. I sighed heavily, standing up whilst brushing myself off, and began heading back to the house. My mind didn't seem to be in a jumble as it had been earlier, but I knew it wouldn't be long until something would make it burst.


Damn. There goes my heart skipping a beat.

"Yeah," I replied, shielding my eyes from the sun as Hunter ran up to me.

"Grammy wants to talk to you," he said shortly, beginning to retreat to where Patrick and Jeffrey were.

"Why?" That was odd, I wonder what she had to talk with me about.

Hunter shrugged, getting closer to the area our cousins were at. "I dunno."

I watched him skeptically, noticing him hurry behind the bushes that closed off my view from Patrick and Jeffrey. What is wrong with him? He had been fine earlier.

Shaking my head, I retreated inside, almost immediately spotting Grammy leaning against the counter. Her expression was neutral, which scared me. Neutral expressions coming from this woman meant she was hiding an embarrassing cover-up-the-face question.

"Leaha," she began once I had come up to her. "I need to ask you something."

I inwardly winced, preparing myself. Oh God, here it comes...

Grammy coughed slightly, folding her hands and staring at me intently. "I want you to answer truthfully, now," she said. "Okay, Leaha?"

I nodded hesitantly, beginning to dread each long second. "Yes ma'am..."

"What are your feelings for Hunter?"

Oh my God. I stopped, and felt my heart miss at least a few beats than normal.

"I-I..." I stammered, focusing on a spot on the counter. Why did she have to ask that?

I couldn't meet her gaze, I knew she could tell that I would be hiding something. But, I also couldn't tell her my true feelings for him.

"Yes?" Grammy questioned, and I could feel her eyes boring into my head.


"I wouldn't ever like him that way, it's wrong," I managed to spit out. "Plus he's too immature and arrogant, I couldn't like someone like that."

But he's not like that.

"Hmm..." Grammy mused, and I forced myself to look at her square in the face. "Interesting... You know, for a second there, I'd think you and Hunter would be together. But I guess not. Ah, well, that'd be all Leaha. Thank you."

"Yeah," I said softly, turning away to head for the door.

I hesitated, debating whether or not to go back outside. However, I needed to have some fresh air, and the house seemed to be slowly closing in on me. I sighed, deciding to depart outside, yet to keep my distance from Hunter. I felt mute, and sat down on the swing, staring at my feet.

Why did I have to say what I said?

My Cousin in the Summer Where stories live. Discover now