Chapter 16

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I let out a content sigh, sinking back into the couch and opening my book.


I blinked, but continued reading. I felt the couch dip a little next to me, and the voice whispered in my ear, "why aren't you reading the book I gave you?"

I set my book down, turning to face Hunter. He was only wearing boxers, which had trains on them.

"Seriously, trains?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I need to strut my train stuff around proudly."

I closed my eyes. "Please don't."

Hunter chuckled, "if you say so. Anywho, did you enjoy our forest adventure?"

"That was two days ago, Hunter. Knock it off." I scowled, going back to my book.

"What's so wrong with bringing it up?" Hunter pressed, leaning closer to me.

Because you saved me and I think I might be falling for you.

"Because if Patrick and Jeffrey hear us then they'll want to go down there, obviously." I replied, avoiding his eyes just in case he could see that I was covering up what I actually wanted to tell him.

Hunter sniffed, "what a shame. So that means we can't scare the crap out of them?"

"No. They'd have nightmares for days on end, especially if they knew the skeleton was real."

"Hm, well... In that case, you want to go do something?"

I cast a glance at him, trying to face him in the eye and not look at his abs. "Like what?"

"A walk, if that's okay." Hunter shrugged, locking eyes with me. I felt my heart flutter slightly as I seemed to slowly become memorized by his green eyes. I didn't even realize what I was saying until after Hunter smiled at me softly, some sort of hidden emotion flickering in eyes I couldn't place.

"A walk sounds lovely, doesn't it?" He asked me, his smile seemingly growing wider.

"What?" I tore my gaze away from his, trying to focus back on my book but I couldn't. I was getting too distracted.

"You didn't hear what you said?" Hunter asked, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Uh..." I stammered, feeling my face heat up as I tried to hide myself from his eyes. There was no way I was going to admit that I had been too occupied staring into his beautiful green eyes.

"It's cute when you blush," Hunter smiled. "You don't need to hide from me."

"I am not hiding," I objected, biting my lip to try and stay focused on my book.

"Ah, but you are. Don't deny it," Hunter smirked, getting up from the couch. "If we are going for a walk, I'll go get dressed then. See you in 5?"

I nodded reluctantly, "guess so..."

This was going to be interesting...

"That wasn't even 5 minutes, Hunter. It was like, freaking 45!"

"Well excuse me if I couldn't find my cozy sweats!"

"We live in Texas, for God's sake, and it's summer. Why in the world would you want to walk in sweats in 95 degree weather!?"

"It's actually really nice outside. You just say its hot because you're always reading."

"Reading expands the mind," I said stubbornly. "But never mind that! Honestly, you're going to get a heat stroke walking in those damn sweats!"

Hunter rolled his eyes, then a second later smirked at me. "Are you worried about me, Leaha?"

I froze, staring straight ahead, not even glancing at my cousin beside me.

"What makes you say that," I remarked cooly, continuing to avoid his eyes as we walked outside.

"Hm... Maybe because you keep nagging me that wearing sweats to walk in 95 degree weather will give me heat stroke. You're never like that." Hunter said, falling in step beside me.

"I'm just warning you about the consequences-"

Hunter snorted out a laugh. "Consequences? Leaha, are you high?"

"No, actually, I'm not." I spat, gritting my teeth. "Plus, you shouldn't say that 'cause of what happened 5 weeks ago."

Hunter winced visibly, clearing his throat before speaking. "Don't remind me."

"But that does remind me of something," I interjected. "It's already the second week of July. We have a month of summer before school starts in August."

Before we have to go separate ways. I stopped suddenly, as that thought started worming itself into my brain. There was only a month left with Hunter... A month. I felt a deep, saddening feeling start up in my gut then work its way up to my heart. In that moment, I didn't want Hunter to leave, ever.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Hunter called out, and I realized he was several paces ahead of me now, about to go onto the street. "Is everything okay?"

I nodded, managing to choke out, "I'm okay. Everything's... Everything's okay..."

Stop it. I told myself, Hunter and I cannot date. I cannot like him, it's weird and most likely illegal. So, just stop.

"Leaha," Hunter called again, dragging me out of my thoughts as I noticed him beside me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I faced him, meeting his eyes, and in that moment I knew. I knew that whatever happened, I wanted to stay in his arms the rest of my life. I knew that... I knew that I was falling hard for this boy, that so happened to like me back, even.

But a question nagged at me in the back of my head.

What if it doesn't work out?

My Cousin in the Summer Where stories live. Discover now