Chapter 15

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"Glad you found me, I didn't think you'd come."

"I surprised myself."

Hunter chuckled, twirling a flashlight in his hand and smiled, beckoning me to come closer. I hesitated, watching him cautiously.

"I'm not going to kill you, if that's what you were thinking," he said. "But I really want to show you something."

"What do you want to show me exactly?" I questioned, not moving from my spot.

"It's a surprise."

I winced, "I swear if it's like, your part or something, please keep it away from me."

Hunter chuckled again, "oh well in that case, you wanna see it?"

"Eww no. I'm still a virgin, God!"


I looked at him, detecting more seriousness than he let on. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I began to slightly edge away.

"I promise I won't hurt you," Hunter said. "I would never hurt you."

So I did the most craziest thing ever: I followed him.

We walked into the forest, our feet treading a path in the grass. Climbing down a short hill, Hunter suddenly stopped in front of some bushes, making me almost crash into him.

"What's your prob-" I began but froze as I saw where we were.

"Ohh, no," I said. "There is no way that I'm going in there! Hell, I'm not even supposed to be in the forest right now! Wait, how did you even find out about this anyway?"

"Since you didn't come the first time," Hunter pointed out, "I explored."

"You what? Grammy didn't find out at all?"


"Oh my God," I moaned, "we're all dead because this shouldn't be happening."

"Leaha, quit." Hunter took ahold of my shoulders and forced me to look him in the eye. "We're not going to die, because Grammy isn't going to find out."

"But-" I suddenly shrieked, feeling something fall on my arm.

"It's just rain," Hunter said, checking the sky. "And from the looks of it, we should get shelter."

He ushered me into the bushes and pushed us both into the abandoned house.

"I didn't get to look at the front," I whined, glaring at him.


Loud thunder and a flash of lightning drowned whatever my cousin through marriage was going to say. I froze, fear creeping into me and I worriedly looked at the wood walls.

Another crash of thunder rumbled and I jumped, making Hunter look at me in concern.

"You okay?"

I laughed nervously, shrugging. "Yeah...?"

A loud rumble of thunder almost shook the house, and I jumped, my eyes darting around worriedly. I went towards the center of the room, trying to distract myself by looking about the main room we were in.

Cobwebs were everywhere, which wasn't surprising since the house was abandoned. But as I continued to look around, I noticed that somebody had lived here before. In the far right corner was a dining table with one chair pushed in, and a few feet away was a door with a rusty gold knob.

Another opening, which seemed to lead to a different room, was on the left side of the wall. Stepping closer towards it, I noticed that it was a kitchen with only cabinets. There was no stove or microwave and the only thing that served as a sink was a steel pan next to a water pipe on the far side of the room.

My Cousin in the Summer Where stories live. Discover now