Chapter 10

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I was relieved. After the whole ordeal between the play and Hunter and I, Alicia wasn't as pissed as I thought she would be. In fact, she was actually very excited.

"I need to stand out," she exclaimed, her eyes bright. "This twist is perfect! Romeo, for some unknown reason, runs away from the grave. Again, Juliet has faked her death, and she gets up and runs after Romeo!"

"Uh-huh," I nodded, starting to zone out. "Great job..."

Suddenly, I felt a stinging sensation on my face. Looking at my cousin in confusion, I said, "what?"

Alicia stared at me and shook her head. "Dude, I just slapped you. You didn't feel anything?"

That would explain the stinging.

"Uh..." I looked at her sheepishly, "sorry.."

"Is everything okay, chica?" Alicia peered closer at me with her dark chocolate brown eyes, "you seem unusually distracted... Did Hunter do something when you saw him?"

I shrugged again, "ehh..."

"Alicia! Samuel! Come on, we're leaving!"

I glanced to where Aunt Marlene and Uncle Craig where standing by the door. Grammy hugged both of them, telling them to take care, before going over to Samuel and doing the same.

Alicia stood up from where she was sitting next to me on the couch. I followed suit, walking with her to the door.

"Bye, Leaha," she said, hugging me.

"Bye," I replied and hugged her back.

"Good luck," she whispered in my ear before stepping away and going to hug Grammy.

I smiled weakly. I would need all the luck I could get if Hunter was involved... Speaking of which, my cousin through marriage was still outside. Grammy told me that she'd go and check on him after Samuel and Alicia left.

They were just about headed out the door when Samuel hurried up to me.

"Bye Leaha!" He exclaimed, and ran up to tackle me in a hug, his dark brown hair tickling my face.

I chuckled and hugged him in return. "Bye, Sam."

My younger cousin let go of me and smiled before heading out the door to his car. I smiled back and watched the headlights of the vehicle show that it was leaving the house. Grammy was silent, and when my aunt and uncle's car was gone, she made her way outside.

I returned to the couch and snuggled up with my book. Patrick and Jeffrey, who had somehow vanished to their room, came into the kitchen. They looked around before going to where I was sitting.

"Where's Grammy," Patrick asked, placing his butt on the chair closest to me.

"Outside." I replied, not bothering to look up from my book.

"Leaha Marie," Jeffrey sighed, "why are you so obsessed with your books?"

"Because," I said, "they're my babies."

I felt Patrick and Jeffrey look at me, their eyes almost burning into my skin. I finally glanced at them to see their weird looks and smiled in spite of myself.

"I will never understand you, Leaha," sighed Patrick, shaking his head.

I shrugged, "neither will I. Why do you want Grammy anyway?"

"We were gonna see if we could go night swimming in the pool!" Jeffrey declared excitedly.

"Ain't it past y'alls bedtime," I mused, rolling my eyes.

"Only by an hour," boasted Patrick, "besides, we haven't gone swimming yet since we got here."

"And what made you think of going in at night?"

"I don't know, but we've done it before. You've swam at night too."

"So?" I questioned. "Your point is...?"

Patrick gave me an annoyed look. "My point is that we want to-"

The door opened, cutting off my cousin's response. I snuggled deeper into the couch and watched as Hunter came in, his eyes almost bloodshot-looking. Grammy didn't say anything, she just herded him downstairs to the pullout couch. Apparently, she hadn't seen the beer can, but I bet she could tell that he was drunk a little bit.

When Grammy came back upstairs minutes later, Patrick and Jeffrey got up in her face about night swimming.

"Can we go into the pool? Please Grammy? We can turn on the lights and everything!" Patrick pleaded, staring up at her desperately.

Grammy sighed tiredly. "Tomorrow, Patrick," she yawned, "it's too late tonight."

"Too late? It's only ten thirty!"

She pursed her lips, "exactly. Bed. Now."



Patrick sighed, pouting before dragging his feet across the floor as he went towards his bedroom. I rolled my eyes at his slight 'drama queen' act. The idiot.

Jeffrey followed his brother, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Don't forget to brush y'alls teeth if you haven't already," Grammy called after them as they walked to their room.

I stood up from the couch, stretching. Putting my book on top of the bar counter, I yawned and turned to Grammy.

"G'night, Graham Cracker," I said, going over to her and giving her a hug.

"Good night Leaha," she said, "don't let the bed bugs pee on you."

I chuckled, "I won't. Don't worry."

She smiled, "good. Love you and sleep tight."

"I will. Love you too."

I watched as Grammy went downstairs to her and Pa's bedroom. Letting out another yawn, I turned off the dim bar counter lights by the kitchen before walking in the darkness to my room. I grabbed my phone off the dresser and turned on its' light to see my way to my bed and before I knew it, I was asleep.

My Cousin in the Summer Where stories live. Discover now