Chapter 21

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Darkness swirled into my vision and I tried hard not to start screaming. Panic began rising up like a tidal wave crashing against rocks, and I started gasping for breath. I gripped the edges of the sheets, feeling wet stream down my face as I continued to gasp for breath and the darkness kept engulfing my vision.

I turned over quickly, hugging myself as I let out a sob. Tears started flowing freely now, and I still struggled to breathe. I felt the blankets suffocating me, and with a few quick kicks and thrashing, I managed to get them off of me. Cool air surrounded my body from the fan once they were off of me but I still shook, trying hard to get rid of the images rushing through my head.

He's never gonna stay with you, a voice screamed in my head. You don't deserve him! You two are never meant to be together!

I let out another sob, willing the voice to go away. It continued to say things about Hunter and I, and I clutched my sides tighter, trying to calm my breathing.

Just focus on breathing. Leaha, just focus on your breathing.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, my breathing became normal. I still shook slightly, feeling my pajamas sticking to me, but I was glad I didn't feel the panic anymore. Slowly, I sat up, reaching for my phone to check the time.

2:25 am.

I let out a heavy sigh, still feeling shaken up before quickly getting up and hurrying downstairs. I stopped right at the foot of the couch, barely seeing his lump of a body underneath his blankets.

"Hunter," I quietly said, wincing as my voice cracked. "Hunter please. I'm sorry."

I let my hand gently move his shoulder, starting to feel the voice coming back and I unconsciously let out another soft sob. Instantly, I felt him stir and I hardly saw his head lift up to look at me.

"Leaha?" He asked, standing up. "Are you okay?"

"No," I shook my head, letting a few tears fall. "Don't leave me."

"Come here," he whispered, and I fell into his arms, trying hard not to cry. "Here, let's go back to your bed, there's more room there."

I felt him pick me up, and I buried my face into his shoulder, squeezing my eyes shut. He carries me up the stairs and into my bedroom, laying me on the bed before picking up the blankets and laying next to me.

I immediately curled into him, my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. I let out another small sob, and he hugged me tighter and whispered, "I'm not going to let you go."

I shuddered, yet slowly I became comfortable, smelling his scent wafting around me. He hugged me even more tighter, kissing the top of my head. I sniffled, burying my head into his neck, before letting out a small, defeated sigh.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked me quietly, letting out a yawn.

"I hope so," I whimpered. "Please don't leave me."

"I never will," he promised. "But just relax. Breathe in, and breathe out. Relax. I'm here for you."

I did as he said, sleepiness dragging me down. Soon, I fell asleep, his arms still around me and a whispered promise in the dark.


"Leaha Marie! Get up, now!"

I groaned, burying my head into something soft that wasn't my pillow. Slowly, I cracked open my eyes and was greeted with an oh-so-adorable sleeping Hunter. I felt my cheeks redden, but then the images of last night to early this morning came back. I bit my lip to keep from letting out a whimper, snuggling up even more next to Hunter.

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