Chapter 12

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A/N: attached is another cover I made. Which one do y'all like better? Plus, should I give Hunter a chapter in his point of view? Answer in comments! Hope you enjoy this book so far!


At around midnight, can you please come outside? I want to try and make up for what happened earlier. I'm... Sorry for ruining your book. Forgive me?


I stared at the note that was placed under my door. Ever since Hunter had ruined my book earlier today, I had deliberately ignored him. My book was on the counter, trying to dry, and I noticed that Patrick and Jeffrey were avoiding the two of us.

Mainly me.

I shook my head and felt anger rising up in me. Hunter was a complete stupid ass bastard who I didn't need. Placing the note face down on the dresser, I checked the clock and saw that there were at least five minutes until midnight.

I continued to stare at the clock, waiting for whatever reason. Maybe I should go and...




I didn't go.

Now it was morning and all I could feel was Hunter's eyes drilling holes into me. To say it made me uncomfortable was a huge understatment.

We were sitting at the table closest to the kitchen, eating breakfast. Patrick and Jeffrey were wolfing theirs down, trying to see who could eat the fastest since Grammy was downstairs and Pa was outside.

"I'm going to laugh if one of you vomits at this very table," I said. "Then you'll both have to explain what happened."

" 'uf..." Patrick said through a mouthful of eggs, "we 'on'f 'omit."

I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of my toast. "Sure you won't. Just say that to the poor table and floor."

Patrick narrowed his eyes at me before continuing to finish his food. Jeffrey, on the other hand, suddenly announced, "I'm done!"

Patrick stopped eating and coughed, making egg come from his mouth. His fork dropped out of his hand and he glared at his brother.

"That isn't fair!" He whined, "Leaha made me slow down!"

I looked at my cousin, pursing my lips. "I what? That was all you. You told me that you wouldn't vomit."

"You're not helping," Patrick snapped and scowled deeply as Jeffrey began doing a crazy dance around his and Patrick's chairs'.

"I'm better than you!" Jeffrey sang, leaping up onto his chair and shaking his whole body like a madman.

"I finished! I finished! I finis-"

Jeffrey stopped, clutching his stomach. I busted out laughing and said, "I told you so."

In 3...2...1...

Vomit exploded from Jeffrey's mouth, and landed all over Hunter. If I thought I was laughing hard before, I basically died right there.

Jeffrey had a shocked look on his face while Hunter just sat in his chair, unmoving. Patrick was laughing as well, wheezing as he tried catching his breath. I picked up my plate, continuing to laugh my ass off as I headed over to the kitchen and bumped into Grammy.

"Why are you..." She trailed off as she saw what was going on behind me.

I stopped laughing instantly, but the three boys at the table didn't notice Grammy enter the kitchen, since Patrick was still laughing and Jeffrey was starting to cry. Hunter still sat in the chair, his face blank.

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