Chapter 20

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A note lay on my bed as I came into my room. I had been helping Jeffrey clean up the Bigfoot trap all day, couresty of Grammy and Pa's harping that it was dangerous and Bigfoot was not real. Jeffrey was in a sour mood because of it all day, but nonetheless we had finished cleaning it up and now I just wanted to relax. I jumped onto my bed, grabbing the note and already I started smiling, recognizing the writing.

Leaha, darling-

Check your closet on the right side. There's a plastic bag hanging, take it, follow the instructions I have and meet me outside when you're done. You look beautiful, by the way, like always.

<3 Hunter

I chuckled, and went up to the closet where I found the plastic bag. It was black, as if it held some sort of clothing, and I saw another note peeking out from the zipper. I smiled even more, and grabbed it.

Great, you have found the bag, darling. You're wearing this tonight, no ifs, ands or buts, Grammy helped me pick it out too. I know you'll love it.

With love and affection,
Hunter (also you can wear your converse with it since I know you hate heels)

I stared at the note, my jaw starting to drop. I glanced at the bag and brought it out, laying it on top of the bed and unzipping it. I gasped when I saw that what he had gotten me was a beautiful purple dress. It was wrapped slightly in the front with short sleeves; perfect for any night out. I hurried into the bathroom so I could try it on, and squealed like a five year old who had just gotten candy. The dress fell to the floor and had a flow-y air surrounding it, yet it was fit from my waist up. I couldn't help continue to smile, as I assessed my messy braided hair, before deciding to unbraid it and let it sit with loose waviness. Quickly, I put on my worn out black converse, grabbed my phone and clutch, and walked outside.

Almost immediately, I spotted Hunter, leaning against Grammy's white car, clad in a tuxedo and his pair of converse. He grinned a boyish grin when he saw me, before it morphed into an awestruck stare.

"Wow," he whispered as I made my way next to him. "You look... You look beautiful. I-I don't, well I can't, I mean-"

I giggled, raising on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. "I take that as a compliment, even though this is my last minute ensemble. You look very handsome and dashing yourself."

He smiled at me, taking my hand and bringing me closer to him. I breathed in his scent, burying my face in his chest, whilst moving my arms to be around him and a safe feeling washed over me as he wrapped his arms around my body. We stayed like that for a few minutes, him slowly starting to rock me gently, until Grammy caught our attention.

"Hello lovebirds," she greeted us. "I'm afraid I have to ruin this moment and ask you two to get into the car so I can drive you to your destination."

"Alright." Hunter said, and opened the car door for me, allowing me to get in and have him sit beside me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, as Grammy entered and started the car.

"That, my darling, is a surprise." Hunter said, grabbing ahold of my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Awh," I pouted, leaning against him and resting my head on his shoulder. "Please tell me you aren't going to blindfold me."

He chuckled, kissing the top of my head. "You're so cute. But I kinda have to, because it's a surprise y'know."

I sighed and slightly lifted my head so he could take off my glasses and put the blindfold over my eyes with the help of my free hand. I leaned back against him, smiling softly as he put his arm around me and locked hands with my other hand.

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