Ten : Charming Encounters

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~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓔𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼~

As the soft, gentle rays of the morning sun enveloped the room in a warm, golden glow, Aanya tiptoed into Arjun's room, her heart fluttering like a carefree butterfly. She had been on a mission to find him ever since the crack of dawn, knowing that he would soon be leaving for Panchaal. Determined to steal a few precious moments with him before he set off, she couldn't help but wear a little frown on her face as she discovered he wasn't in his room.

Undeterred, she cast her eyes about, her curiosity dancing around like a mischievous little kitten. And there, her eyes landed upon a beautifully adorned box resting atop his neatly made bed. Temptation beckoned her closer, and like a graceful butterfly drawn to a vibrant flower, she approached it, unable to resist its allure.

"No, Aanya. Snooping through someone else's treasures is not exactly becoming of you," she gently chided herself, her head shaking playfully in mock disapproval.

"True, but surely there's no harm in simply admiring from a distance," she reasoned with a light sigh, her fingers involuntarily gliding along the edges of the box, as if teasingly tickling its secrets.

As her touch grew bolder, Aanya's hand suddenly froze mid-air. Startled, she spun around, her eyes widening with surprise. And there, leaning against the doorframe with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, stood Arjun. He donned his silver armor, adding an air of strength and allure to his demeanor. Folding his arms, a playful smirk adorned his lips, causing her heart to skip an extra beat in her chest. The sight of him brought about a rush of emotions within Aanya, excitement, anticipation, and a flicker of something deeper.

"What brings you here?" he said, tilting his head ever so slightly, his voice filled with curiosity.

A blush blossomed on Aanya's cheeks, turning them a rosy hue, like delicate petals kissed by morning dew. "Oh, uh, I...I was...just...what are you doing here?" she stammered, mentally slapping herself for her lack of composure, her confusion adding to her charm.

Arjun chuckled, breaking the tension and filling the air with a melody of laughter. "Well, it is my room, after all," he said.

"I know," she replied, her voice filled with shyness, her eyes sparkling like stars in a moonlit sky.

Arjun took a gentle step nearer, closing the distance between them, his eyes widening like a child's discovering a hidden treasure, as he noticed the box on his bed. He mentally sighed with relief, grateful for arriving just in time to spare this curious girl from asking numerous questions.

Aanya's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she caught sight of him carefully placing the box under his pillow. She couldn't help but wonder what he was hiding.

"What is it?" Aanya whispered in a voice filled with wonder and anticipation, her excitement barely contained.

Arjun chuckled playfully, his smile growing wider as he replied, "Give your little brain a break, Aanya." His amusement was evident in his tone as he teased her gently.

"But I'm your friend! You know you can trust me with your secrets," Aanya pleaded, her eyebrows wiggling mischievously.

Arjun hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting away, before finally admitting, "I suppose you're right. But this one... I'm not telling you." He tried to maintain an air of mystery, secretly enjoying the game they were playing.

"Fine!" Aanya huffed, pretending to be annoyed as she turned to leave, but her grin gave away her true excitement.

"You didn't tell me, though. Why were you even here?" Arjun asked, his voice containing a hint of a smirk.

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