Chapter two: Bella POV: Confusion

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Emmett and Alice interrupted my drawing, barging into my room. "Bellaboo! It's time for school!" Emmett hollered. Alice smiled and put a pile of new clothes on my (unnecessary) bed. I looked up from my floral pattern, trying to scowl. Of course, my indulgent smile crept through my mask.

"Another outfit? Alice, it's not even the first or final day of school. It's the middle of the first quarter of the final semester. How does that warrant a fucking outfit?"

"Language!" Esme chimed from downstairs.

"Sorry!" I apologized, knowing if I could I would be blushing.

"It's always a good time to get new clothes." Alice claimed. "I promise it's clothes you'll like! When have I ever been wrong?" She had me there. I huffed and made a big deal out of walking to the bed and getting my clothes.

"Do you have to be here while I change?" I asked. "I don't think Jasper and Rosalie would like that." They dashed off and I changed into my new dark washed jeans, white tank top and leather jacket. I have to admit it was a nice look, though I would stick to more bland clothes like sweaters or long sleeve shirts after today.

I went downstairs and said goodbye to Carlisle and Esme before meeting up with the others in the garage, picking up my bag on the way there. We hopped into my Mazda6 and I drove us to school.

The morning was, as usual, boring. English I had to deal with Mike and Eric, who have gotten over me for the most part and only glance at me from time to time. In government I just doodled in my notebook, drawing a detailed cat. Mr.Jefferson knew I would get a good grade anyway, so he didn't really care what I did so long as I wasn't being disruptive.

Trigonometry and Spanish was different from my other morning classes because Jessica Stanely usually tried to talk to me. She talked shit about her friends behind their backs and could be a bit bitchy, so I just ignored her for the most part. It also doesn't help that my beauty had all of the boys wanting to date me.

In my opinion there were still remnants of my plain jane human appearance in me, but whatever.

At lunch I sat at our table and everything was normal, until a new guy walked into the cafeteria. I remembered talking about a 'bronze haired hottie' during some of my classes. I guess I was so absorbed in my own little bubble that those words hadn't been registered until now.

Mike and Tyler waved at him and he sat down at what the school called 'the boys table'. All of the boys who sat there were known for something. "Bella?" Alice asked, getting my attention.

I turned to her, grateful I had something to think about besides the boy who actually looked kind of cute. "Yeah?" Alice squirmed in her seat, either because of what she was feeling or to act human.

"Bella, did you add a layer to your shield?" She asked, quietly and timidly.

I'm what our world refers to as a shield. Any 'talents' that are mental don't work on me. I have multiple layers of my shield, one of those layers works differently, though. It won't block physical gifts entirely, but it will scramble them up.

"No. Why?" I asked after I tuned in with that part of my makeup. There was no extra 'weight' or pressure from that layer. I just had my personal, non stretchable layer around me.

"Hmm." Alice hummed, looking over at the bronze haired boy.

"Ah, the Cullens." Mike said, and I knew the bronze haired boy was looking at us.

"Alice, what's going on in your head?" I asked, confused.

"I think that boy is important." Alice answered, confusing me even more.

"Emmett and Rosalie are the ones looking like. . .well. . .any disney movie ever." Mike continued. I looked and the others were all looking at Alice, wondering what the fuck was going on.

"I don't know exactly why." Alice admitted, anger in her tone. "But, your future is messed up again."

"You mean like it was a few weeks ago? When you saw shadowy figures with me?"

"The other couple is Alice and Jasper. And the hot girl, that's Isabella." Mike's voice sounded again.

"Exactly like it was a few weeks ago." Alice confirmed.

"They're dating. Well, Jasper and Alice, and Rosalie and Emmett. Isabella has all the boys, and some girls, trying to date her. She doesn't talk much. None of them do, but hearing her voice is a once in a lifetime thing." I bit back a laugh at that one, smirking. Rose giggled as well, but now that there was no apparent threat to our family, she went back to talking to Emmett. Jasper was soothingly rubbing Alice's arm. I wish I had someone with me to do things like that. I shoved the thoughts away. I was single, get over it. Don'r hope for a mate.

"They're Dr. and Ms.Cullens foster kids. They moved here two years ago, from Alaska." Tyler chimed in.

"Interesting." The bronze haired boy replied, and I felt his eyes on me.

Just like that, the bell rang, and I sighed. "Talk about this more at home?" I asked. Alice nodded.

Ok, I think I have the POV's figured out. We'll go in a pattern. One Edward, one Bella. That way we can enjoy the drama of Bella's changing existence and the uneasiness of Edward's move from Arizona to Forks. And we can have double the romance and double the heartbreak. Please comment and I hope you have a nice day/night!


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