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⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING- There are mentions of homophobia (outward and internalized) and the use of a slur towards transgender individuals.

Ever since Michelle was a small girl, she knew that she liked other girls. Would she ever admit it out loud? No. Not when her parents were devout Christians. They were the crazy ones. The ones to believe in conversion therapy, stand outside of abortion clinics, yelling slurs, and the ones to believe that homosexuals were nothing but demons on earth destined to go to hell. In fear of losing her parents' love, Michelle hid that part of herself.

She tried to ignore those thoughts and feelings. She tried to pray it away. Eventually, she repressed it. She hated that part about herself, so she turned that hatred outwards. She yelled the same slurs her parents would have called her at other people. She thought she was better than them.

It took for her husband, who was a pastor, to cheat on her for her to finally accept the truth about herself. She was at the lowest point in her life. It couldn't go any lower, so she decided to cheat back on her husband with a woman. She knew the perfect place to find a woman to sleep with. A sex club that she had spent many hours protesting and calling everyone who left the building a jezebel. That is how low she was.

She realized how dumb her plan was once she reached the receptionist she ran out of the place to get some air. She ended up bumping into a woman, probably the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. A few seconds later, she was bumped by the door opening.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't really paying attention." Michelle said looking down into the ground, not looking at the woman. "No, I'm sorry for bumping into you, beautiful. My name is Beyoncé, it's nice to meet you." Beyoncé said introducing herself. "I-I'm Michelle." Michelle meekly said introducing herself. Beyoncé noticed that Michelle's eyes were red and that she was on the brink of tears. "Are you ok?" Beyoncé softly asked with concern. Michelle didn't respond, she just shook her head yes trying to convince the stranger that she was fine.

"I can see your eyes are getting red, love. Why don't you walk with me and tell me your problems?" Beyoncé suggested holding her hand out. Michelle followed her lead immediately. She couldn't for the life of her understand why she felt so comfortable around this woman and they literally just met.

Beyoncé took her to this small but beautiful coffee shop across the street. They sat down in the back for optimal privacy. "Now that we have some more privacy, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Beyoncé asked, holding Michelle's hand to comfort her a little. She had also had food delivered over to the table because she's a regular there.

At the touch of Beyonce's hand, she broke down in tears. "I just found out my husband cheated on me. I've been married to him since I was 18 and our 10th anniversary passed recently. He's 15 years older than me, and I just feel like I've wasted my life so far." Michelle revealed with stuttering and hiccups.

Beyoncé held back her tears. How could someone as sweet and kind as Michelle be cheated on by some old ass scumbag. She also just realized that she's seen this woman in front of her before. She would be protesting the club as one of those very outspoken Christians. Beyoncé is also a Christian but she loves everyone like Jesus loves us and doesn't project hate onto others.

She was about to go off on Michelle and tell her how rude and disrespectful she was for hating other people with different sexualities but she remained quiet and decided to hear her out. "It also took that for me to come to the fact that I like women and always have." Michelle whispered crouching down in her seat embarrassed that she even revealed that to a stranger.

Beyoncé took everything in that Michelle was saying. To hear that she was lesbian as well surprised her but she couldn't let that show because it might scare her. "So, is that why you were inside the sex club?" Beyoncé finally spoke up and asked. Michelle breathed heavily, "I know it's definitely not Christian of me but I want to cheat back. With a woman." Michelle responded even softer than before to prevent people from hearing her.

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