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"Ok, I'll talk to them about it. I'll see you tomorrow at work!" Beyoncé said talking to her co-worker Rose as she hung up. She and Rose have been good friends ever since she started working at Grice and Jones Law Group around 5 years ago. Rose was already an experienced attorney and she helped mentor her when she first started. Rose was like an older sister to her, which she was grateful to have since she had to take on a lot of responsibilities at a young age because of her being older.

Working with Rose, she saw a successful same-sex marriage work out for the first time. By the time Rose and Beyoncé met, Rose was already five years into a wonderful marriage with her wife, Eva. They were also in the process at the time of adoption and looking into IUI for both of them.

Beyoncé also loved how they managed to maintain their relationship with God as a same-sex couple with three young children. The oldest was Clover, who is 8, and they also have twin boys, Judah and Jori, who are 4. It was very inspirational to her, and it made her believe that she and her girlfriends could do the same in the future.

Beyoncé for a while, has wanted to get back in the church and back to her faith, and that was the original plan that fateful day she ran into Michelle outside the club. After she gave the paper to Solange, she was going to call Kelly about this church she saw and she was going to suggest that they go to it. But, God had other plans, and Beyoncé truly believed that Michelle was heaven-sent.

Even though she wanted to attend church, she knew that all three of their past experiences with the church had not been the most positive. She knew that Kelly did have a somewhat positive church background for the first few years, but she left after one of the youth choir members outed Kelly as gay, and they were shunned. Beyoncé knew that thankfully, Kelly had healed from that and would go back to church if she asked.

But, she was more nervous about asking Michelle. Her baby had been through so much already, especially with faith leaders and just being in church in general, but Beyoncé hoped Michelle would agree to go after all the therapy and healing she has done over the past almost year; she knew that Michelle still had a lot of work and healing she has to do.

After she finished sending some emails, Beyoncé walked into the living room from one of the guest bedrooms and saw Michelle and Kelly cuddling together on the couch with Michelle in Kelly's arms and Kelly giving her kisses every now and again. Beyoncé thought they were the absolute cutest.

Beyoncé sat next to them, pouting at how clingy they are. "Are you all ok with us having a family meeting right now? I need to discuss something with the two of y'all." Beyoncé asked as the girls started to sit up to prepare for this conversation. They both nodded, still hugging each other tightly. Beyoncé breathed out, a little nervous at how this would go but then she remembered that Michelle met Rose's wife at the jazz club that night, so this may not be as hard as she originally thought.

Beyoncé guided Michelle's chin to look up at her. "Baby, do you remember meeting a woman at the jazz club you and mommy went to?" Beyoncé softly asked. Michelle smiled at the memory of that night, she hadn't worn the necklace Clover gave her yet, but whatever daddy had planned, she will probably wear it. "Yes, I do remember." Michelle softly replied.

"Well, her wife works with me, and she's invited us to church this Sunday. I know all three of us haven't been in a while, and I know mommy and I haven't been to a service together ever since Mama Donna got sick. But I think it would be good for us, especially because we now accept ourselves as God made us, ya know?" Beyoncé explained with a smile, rubbing Michelle and Kelly's hands.

Kelly looked down at her baby, her nerves starting to get to her; even though Beyoncé couldn't see it, Kelly could feel it. Kelly personally thinks it would be nice to go and slowly gain that relationship with God back, but she's worried about what  Michelle would say. "I think it would be good to go; what do you think, baby?" Kelly softly asked Michelle, knowing how nervous she was about this.

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